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Sen Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator from California. On Facebook at:
Sen Dianne Feinstein 19 Des
I’ll be on with soon to discuss the president’s year-end press conference.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 19 Des
Good news: California added more than 90,000 jobs in November.
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Peter Maass 16 Des
The Sound of Torture. My latest for The Intercept.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
A thorough, accurate re-telling from of President Bush’s awareness of coercive interrogation methods here:
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
Ambassadors Jones & Pickering make strong case that ties with foreign partners are strengthened by Intel Cmte report:
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
CIA torture report the most comprehensive study ever conducted by U.S. Senate. My letter to :
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
Great column by . We must be careful to never repeat the mistakes of the past.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
I agree with . U.S. policy should ensure that cruel and ineffective torture methods are off limits.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
Read my op-ed “Torture report is about us, not enemies, and we must enact reform” in the .
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
Haywood Gilliam, an outstanding prosecutor, was confirmed as a U.S. district judge for Calif's Northern District.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
It is my hope that normalizing relations will spur positive changes for the people of Cuba. Read my statement:
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
The release of Alan Gross is wonderful news for his family and the United States.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 17 Des
Just voted for a tax bill to provide much-needed certainty to taxpayers. We will all benefit as a result.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 16 Des
For everyone around the world beginning the festival of lights tonight, may you enjoy a very happy and healthy Hannukah!
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 16 Des
Honored to be included MT : Vote for the 2014 Arms Control Person(s) of the Year!
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The New York Times 16 Des
C.I.A., on Path to Torture, Chose Haste Over Analysis
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 15 Des
Pleased the Senate confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy, a highly-qualified physician and public-health expert.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 15 Des
Today, my bill with Sen. to help combat transnational drug trafficking passed the Senate.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 15 Des
Good news for California: Final spending bill includes $5 million down payment for early-warning system.
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Sen Dianne Feinstein 15 Des
If you missed it, here is my speech on the Senate floor last week on the CIA detention/interrogation report.
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