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The White House
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The White House

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President Obama sat down with BET's 106 & Park to discuss #Ferguson, Eric Garner, and how we can help build trust between communities and local law enforcement. Watch a preview now, and see the interview on Monday at 5pm ET:
Chotima Charnvorawongse's profile photoRanjeet Kumar's profile photoсерый приколист's profile photoGladys figueroa.'s profile photo
I rolled my eye's and crossed my arms when I watched the video...
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The White House

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The First Family kicked off the holidays last night at the National Christmas Tree lighting → #WHHolidays
Pamela Cole's profile photoBoston Strong's profile photoTheresa Rider-Rahmani's profile's profile photo
Happy holidays for our first family everyone else around the world enjoy peace & happiness. The girls are beautiful.
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"We were founded on the idea that everybody should have an equal opportunity to succeed. No matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from, you can make it. That’s an essential promise of America. Where you start should not determine where you end up." —President Obama on expanding #CollegeOpportunity for more students:
Chevy Suteja's profile photoолег лещинский's profile photomahesh sharma's profile photoThomas Sanzi's profile photo
+Tasha Monell Почему же тогда американские бомбы падали на Югославию,  Ирак, Афганистан ? И погибали мирные жители ? Дети и женщины ? Почему Вам до сих пор не расскажут правду о том , что торговый центр взорвало ЦРУ, а не террористы ? Пентагону нужна была причина, чтобы начать новую войну. А война нужна чтобы  вылезти из долгов, в которых США тонет всё больше и больше. Только это не 1941 год. И США не отсидятся за океаном. Если вы не остановите своих политиков то война придет и к Вам домой. А Вы готовы умереть за долги Вашего правительства ?
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"It doesn't make sense for us to have a first-class economy and second-class infrastructure." —President Obama to the Business Roundtable: #RebuildAmerica
Yvon Dorsaint's profile photonanda kishore's profile photoMorgan Sheridan's profile photoVictor Beasley's profile photo
I here you can find the Chinese constitution in your notes...
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"Everyday acts of kindness build a momentum for change that drives our nation forward." —President Obama on #GivingTuesday:
Sharmila K's profile photo坂野正人's profile photoJin_Joe's profile photoолег лещинский's profile photo
A great President to enlighten the world.
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"We're closer than we've ever been to achieving the extraordinary: An AIDS-free generation." —President Obama: #WorldAIDSDay
Joshua Robinson's profile photoMustafa Ezzat's profile photogiovanni melchor's profile photoHari Maheshwari's profile photo
Beautiful Beautiful White House......
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Have them in circles
2,578,695 people

The White House

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"We still have a lot of work to do together. But we do have real, tangible evidence of our progress. 10.9 million new jobs. 10 million more Americans with health insurance. Manufacturing has grown. Our deficits have shrunk. Our dependence on foreign oil is down. Clean energy is up. More young Americans are graduating from high school and earning college degrees than ever before. Over the last four years, this country has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and every advanced economy combined." —President Obama:
nanda kishore's profile photoWilmot Max Ramsay's profile photoraul ernesto ferreyra aguirre's profile photomalpinus setamanki's profile photo
will see wat the MFs do come January an what they will bitch about and lets see the bills they pass. Thats gone tell the story all obama got to do is sit back like a rattlesnake. 
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The White House

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"Over the first 11 months of 2014, our economy has created 2.65 million jobs. That’s more than in any entire year since the 1990s. Our businesses have now created 10.9 million jobs over the past 57 months in a row and that’s the longest streak of private-sector job growth on record." —President Obama:
Tiffany Mitchell's profile photoRicardo Alvarez's profile photoLinda G's profile's profile photo
"Unedicational socialism like a basis of criminal overall happiness."
"Необразованный социализм, как Основа преступного, общего счастья."

Здесь, коммунистический принцип, вошел в социальную кровь.
Здесь, армейская глупость, как "спасение" ставит тебя на равне мяса для пушек  :-" возвращаяся (!:), ты нужен Нам, вновь."

Жизнь семейная, что превыше Всего - здесь, в Израиле, Монета разменная - для всех (безнравственных) - ты - никто.
Здесь, врачи Лекарствами накачают "-_ , социально ограниченный разум,
 Не может понять, :-" У Американцев, тоже Есть Добрая Память?
Тебе миллион, должны прислать ?"

Мне, в "безумии тщетном", "Friends" Принесли Заработнный Чек - СоцИализм Голодранцев отобрал Жизнь-мечту,
что лелеял с тобою, Навек.

Юрий Ман

08.12.2014                         "социальная бездна в Иерусалиме"
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The White House

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"We are not going to let up until we see a strengthening of the trust and a strengthening of the accountability that exists between our communities and our law enforcement." —President Obama on the Eric Garner decision:
ERAY AKDAG's profile photoI Talaro's profile photo坂野正人's profile photoYıldıray Güzel's profile photo
+smdahl Of course, The entire trek of the U.S. shows this same modus operandi. Each administration had an agenda that was a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that, when completed, would be a picture of complete world dominance by a select group. However, one's OWN lifetime will occur coincidentally with the placement of only a few of the puzzle pieces, and this occurrence does not allow the preventive actions which might change the future. Going with the flow or against it will not change the Grand scheme, it will only alter the routes used to get there. I'd suggest staying prepared as best as possible, and if I survive.....
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The White House

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"When we save a life and we help a person heal, we go up to them and we open our arms, and we wrap our arms around them with understanding and love and compassion and reason. That’s what you do here at NIH. It’s what we do as Americans." —President Obama giving an update on our fight against ‪#‎Ebola‬:
Jeanine Mack's profile photoVictor Beasley's profile photoDolors Hugas's profile photo坂野正人's profile photo
+Pink Lemonade​ great job. Now this is what I am talking about. Facts, information! 

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The White House

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Introducing the first-ever 3D-printed presidential portrait. Watch how the Smithsonian made it →
ايوب Google. play عبس's profile photoBhaskara Rao's profile photoأحمد مبارك محمد's profile photoIsaac Schulman's profile photo
+SAMEH SAAD ALI MOHAMAD MOUSSA this is America not Isam. You can thank me. You're welcome. 
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"When any part of the American family does not feel like it is being treated fairly, that’s a problem for all of us." —President Obama before announcing new steps to help build trust between communities and local law enforcement: #Ferguson
Gladys figueroa.'s profile photoAnthony Chiles's profile photoJoshua Robinson's profile photoJayni Anderson's profile photo
+Vic Bklyn 32 600 000 laws, made by man, for man, to protect man, from man. The majority of those laws were in place before you were born. ( in other words, democracy is not about people for the people, as you are subjected to laws, you didn't have a hand in making). You have never taken responsibility for your own existence, that why you pay taxes, and created the Justice System.
  You don't take responsibility for your own existence, that's why you have an army, navy, air force and marines, police, crown attorneys and judges, all of which use battle Armour, bullets, Courtrooms and Cages, to "correct" people.
  Why do you do this, so YOU can have a dream job, dream house, dream vacation, and a fairytale wedding. In about 70 years, the human family is going to find out the hardway, this planet isn't big enough for dreams, it only fits reality.
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