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Foreign Affairs

Our government has a responsibility to our brave men and women fighting overseas, and that means adequately preparing our troops and caring for our veterans. But it also means not putting them in harm’s way unless it is absolutely necessary.

For the sake of our nation’s security, the U.S. must engage in a balanced foreign policy that gives prominence to diplomacy and development while maintaining a strong national defense. By doing this, we can help prevent conflicts before they start, continue to restore America’s image in the international community, and rebuild relations with our friends and allies around the world.

Our presence in Iraq diverted our resources from more serious threats in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and it damaged our reputation around the world. I supported the Obama Administration’s plan to bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq.

I also support the Administration’s drawdown of the war in Afghanistan, in which full responsibility for security will be transferred to the Afghan government by the end of 2014. And I will work to hold the Administration accountable to meet its deadline for ending our combat role.

The United States must also be an advocate for human rights at home and abroad. America’s position of prominence on the world stage is historically unique, and retaining it depends on strong diplomacy and responsible approaches to the complex issues we face.