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Congressman Yarmuth listens to a boder patrol agent during a trip to the Mexican Border.

Our nation’s history has been molded and shaped by the collective narratives of people from across the world. From our country’s very beginning to the present day, immigrants have helped build our nation and make America strong. Their labor and creativity is vital to the economy, and we need it to sustain our economic growth.

For too long, politicians in Washington have used the issue of immigration to divide the nation instead of working to find real solutions. Our broken immigration system can only be fixed by putting politics aside and offering solutions that reflect our interests and values as Americans.

In 2008, I visited the Mexican border to review the needs of our Border Patrol agents. The stamina and courage our agents showed in the face of daily threats was inspiring, and I believe it is crucial that we provide them with the necessary resources.

Most importantly, I believe we must enact comprehensive immigration reform. For the better part of 2013, I worked with a bipartisan group of House Members to craft an immigration reform bill that promotes humane enforcement, provides a path to citizenship, secures our borders, and keeps families together. Comprehensive immigration reform ensures that every individual working and living here is paying taxes and contributing fully to society, which will benefit our economy and all families – the same way immigrants have driven our economy for the past 300 years. And by implementing a strong employer-verification system, comprehensive reform protects American workers and wages.

President Obama recently announced a series of Executive Actions meant to help build a system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. For more information on his Executive Actions, please visit my Immigration Executive Actions page.