
Highlights of W&M Members’ Conversations with Americans About Our Better Way Agenda

September 6, 2016

Today, House Republicans are returning to Washington from their districts to continue advancing solutions to our nation's biggest challenges. Throughout August, Ways and Means Members spoke directly to people across their communities about our Better Way agenda to reform our broken tax code, improve our healthcare system, and help lift people out of poverty. Here are some highlights of our ...

The WEP is Unfair – and Here’s Why

September 1, 2016

Americans across the country pay into Social Security and expect to receive the benefits they have earned when they retire. Unfortunately, because of a well-intended but flawed policy known as the Windfall Elimination Provision, or the WEP, some workers — specifically teachers, firefighters, police officers and others who have paid into Social Security for part of their careers ...

#TBT: U.S. Economy Falls Below Its Own “Mendoza Line”

August 25, 2016

Baseball fans from the 1970s probably remember the infamous “Mendoza line” — the line signifying light-hitting shortstop Mario Mendoza’s weak batting average of .200. Players and fans knew that if a batting average fell below the Mendoza line, it was a really bad year.

How House Republicans’ Health Care Plan Helps Middle Class Families

August 25, 2016

Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law over six years ago, we’ve seen the cost of insurance skyrocket as quality and health care options continue to decline. And middle class families are being hurt the most by the law’s clear failures.   The average premium for families enrolled in ...

Welfare Reform at 20: A Better Way Forward

August 19, 2016

This week, in advance of the the 20th anniversary of welfare reform, the Ways and Means Committee reviewed the law’s record of helping more low-income Americans escape poverty and climb the economic ladder. Today, it’s clear that reforming the nation’s cash welfare program has successfully 

In Their Own Words: Americans Share How Trade Gives Them A Competitive Edge

August 18, 2016

When 95 percent of the world's customers live outside of the United States, America cannot afford to sit on the sidelines of trade. Done right and aggressively enforced, strong trade agreements give us the competitive edge we need to win around the world – growing American businesses, creating good-paying jobs here at home, and strengthening the economy of rural and urban America. As

Welfare Reform at 20: How We Continue TANF’s Success

August 17, 2016

As the 20th anniversary of welfare reform approaches, the Ways and Means Committee is taking a look back so we can apply the same successful lessons to help more low-income Americans escape poverty and climb the economic ladder. Yesterday, we highlighted ...