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National Security

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“I believe that the first job of the federal government is to defend America.  As the Chairman of the House Armed Services, I work every day to help keep our country safe and secure and to provide the men and women of the military and intelligence community the tools they need to get their job done.”

Mac discusses national security with Wolf Blitzer



The Constitution states that our national defense is among the federal government’s top priorities.  We cannot enjoy our many freedoms if our nation is not safe and secure.  That means the federal government should focus on national security.
Keeping America safe is not easy.  Our security challenges in an interconnected world are great, whether from the continuing threat of terrorism to the re-emergence of Russia and China as world powers or the spread of nuclear weapons.  So first and foremost, we must ensure that the American military continues to be second to none.  
Our investments in national security must also extend beyond traditional military resources.  If we're going to succeed against terrorism or any other security challenges we face, we must have all the instruments of national power and influence working together, not only coordinated, but integrated, so that it is a seamless unit.  This includes everything from intelligence gathering, to cyber security, and even foreign policy.    
The 13th Congressional District is a long-time contributor to America’s national security in a number of important ways.  Our area is home not only to thousands of men and women who volunteer to serve their country in the Armed Forces, but also to many veterans who have settled in the area after military retirement.  In addition, Sheppard Air Force Base, the Pantex Plant, and Bell Helicopter all play unique and important roles in our nation’s defense.  
To read more about my previous work on national security, click here.  If you would like to find out more about a specific national security issue, please follow the links below:

America’s Military
America’s Veterans
Sheppard Air Force Base
Bell Helicopter
Nuclear Weapons

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