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HomebiographyMac's Reading list

Mac's Reading list

I believe that it is just as important for us to feed our minds as it is to feed our bodies. While there are many forms of intellectual nutrition, for me nothing can take the place of reading books.

I realize that every person's interests and preferences are different. Mine tend to gravitate toward history and biography. I especially like to read about some of the people who inspire me, such as Lincoln, Churchill, and Reagan.

I have listed some of the books I have read recently so that you can scan the list, find something you want to explore, and hopefully enjoy.

Fall 2015

  The Future of Land Warfare
  By: Michael O'Hanlon

  By: Margaret Thatcher

  Doomed to Succeed
  By: Dennis Ross

  Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS
  By: Joby Warrick

  By: Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney

  By: Ashley Jackson

Summer 2015

  On the Origins of War
  By: Donald Kagan

  Being Nixon
  By: Evan Thomas

  Team of Teams
  By: General Stanley McChrystal

  The Boys in the Boat
  By: Daniel Brown

  The Bully Pulpit
  By: Doris Kearns

  Ghost Fleet
  By: P.W. Singer and August Cole

Spring 2015

  Isaiah Berlin: A Life

  By: Michael Ignatieff

  The Peloponnesian War
  By: Donald Kagan

  Carl Vinson: Patriarch of the Armed Forces
  By: James Cook

  Out of the Mountains
  By: David Kilcullen

  National Insecurity
  By: David Rothkopf

  The Wise Men
  By: Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas

  The Wright Brothers
  By: David McCullough

  Strategic Failure
  By: Mark Moyar

  By: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Winter 2014/2015

  The World America Made

  By: Robert Kagan

  Grand Strategies
  By: Charles Hill

  The Sleepwalkers
  By: Christopher Clark

  The Accidental Admiral
  By: Admiral James Stavridis

  By: Jim Manzi

  The Last Warrior
  By: Andrew Krepinevich and Barry Watts

  Mass Flourishing
  By: Edmund Phelps

  The Insurgents
  By: Fred Kaplan

  The Churchill Factor
  By: Boris Johnson

  Napoleon: A Life
  By: Andrew Roberts

  Warrior Diplomat
  By: Michael Waltz

Fall 2014

  The Literary Churchill

  By: Jonathan Rose

  The Organized Mind
  By: Daniel Levitin

  World Order
  By: Henry Kissinger

  The Way Forward
  By: Paul Ryan

  The Guns of August
  By: Barbara Tuchman

Summer 2014

  The Me I Want to Be
  By: John Ortberg

  Reagan at Reykjavik
  By: Kenneth Adelman

  James Madison: A Life Reconsidered
  By: Lynne Cheney

  Freedom's Forge
  By: Arthur Herman

  The Locust Effect
  By: Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros

  Strategic Reassurance and Resolve
  By: James Steingberg and Michael O'Hanlon

  Flight of the Eagle
  By: Conrad Black

  By: Lawrence Freedman

Spring 2014

  No Higher Honor

  By: Condoleezza Rice

  By: Robert Gates

  Edmund Burke
  By: Jesse Norman

  Noble Warrior
  By: James Livingston

  Leaders Eat Last
  By: Simon Sinek

  Inventing Freedom
  By: Daniel Hannan

  The Impossible State
  By: Victor Chu

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