Press Release

Conaway Votes to Keep VA Accountable and Protect Veterans’ Access to Healthcare

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Washington, July 29, 2015 | comments

Washington– Today, the House of Representatives passed several pieces of legislation aimed at keeping the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable for its actions and providing more flexibility for veterans’ healthcare, including the VA Accountability Act and the Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act. Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11) voted for these measures, and released the following statement of support upon passage:

“The veterans who served our country honorably deserve better than what the VA is providing,” said Congressman Conaway. “Last year, Congress took the first steps towards reforming the VA, and we vowed to continue the fight. One bill passed today will allow greater eligibility for the existing Veteran’s Choice Program, and consolidate all non-department provided care into one streamlined program. The other piece of legislation will provide the Secretary of Veterans Affairs the authority to remove VA employees for poor performance or misconduct, while adding protections for whistleblowers.

“These reforms will have a real, positive impact for the many brave men and women who rely on the VA for their healthcare. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for us. It’s time that we fulfill our promise to them and provide them with the healthcare services they need and deserve.”

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Tags: Veterans