
As a member of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, I work with my colleagues to promote a common-sense and balanced approach to a fact-based energy and infrastructure policy that harnesses the power of America's job creators to grow and maintain a strong economy. My focuses include:

  • Holding the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and other federal agencies accountable to President Obama’s promise that his Administration would become “the most open and transparent in history”
  • Ensuring that federal agencies consider the comprehensive economic cost versus environmental benefit before creating and enacting new rules and regulations that affect businesses, land owners, states, and counties
  • Requesting that future rule-making is based on sound science before implementation


  • Vitter Statement on Finalizing Chemical Safety Reform Language

    (Metairie, La.) - Today, U.S. Sen. David Vitter issued the following statement regarding the final language for the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act. Vitter is the lead Republican author of the Senate version of the chemical safety reform bill to update the nation’s outdated and broken chemical safety law.

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  • Vitter: Approaching Final Deal on Chemical Safety Reform

    U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-La.) today announced that the bipartisan bicameral deal of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act is ready to move forward. Vitter is the lead Republican author of the Senate version of the chemical safety reform bill to update the nation’s outdated and broken chemical safety law.

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  • Vitter Votes to Keep Obama EPA Out Of Our Backyards

    (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) today issued the following statement regarding his vote to overturn the Obama Administration’s controversial “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. As a senior member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Vitter has been fighting the implementation of the controversial “WOTUS” rule.

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  • Vitter, Udall, Inhofe, Bonnie Lautenberg Urge Passage of Historic Bipartisan Chemical Safety Reform Legislation

    (Washington, D.C.) - In a press conference today, U.S. Sens. David Vitter (R-La.), Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.), along with Bonnie Lautenberg, widow of former Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), and supporters of chemical safety reform urged the Senate to act to pass a historic bill to reform the broken Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA).

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  • ICYMI: Estuary program is a boon for our region (Houma Courier)

    On August 6, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved bipartisan legislation authored by U.S. Senators David Vitter (R-La.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to reauthorize the National Estuary Program (NEP). Areas benefitting from the reauthorization include the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) which encompasses 4.2 million acres of wetlands between the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River Basins in southeast Louisiana.

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  • U.S. Senate Approves Bipartisan Whitehouse-Vitter Estuary Legislation

    (Washington, D.C.) - The U.S. Senate unanimously approved bipartisan legislation authored by Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to reauthorize the National Estuary Program (NEP). The program was first established in 1987 to protect and restore estuarine habitats threatened by pollution and overdevelopment. Authorization for this important program expired in 2010.

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  • Vitter Statement on Obama EPA’s Massive Carbon Emission Rule

    ( U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) today made the following statement regarding President Obama’s announcement of a controversial carbon emission rule that would affect existing, modified and reconstructed, and new power plants and electricity supply across the country.

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  • Vitter, Bicameral Colleagues Urge Thorough Review of EPA’s Carbon Rule, Rule-Making Process

    ( Today Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), along with 17 other Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, sent a letter to Howard Shelanski, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired power plants under the Clean Air Act (CAA).

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