

Senator Cassidy comments on President Obama's Visit

Senator Cassidy gave some brief comments on the president's visit and what he hopes to see come out of the trip to benefit Louisiana.


Senator Cassidy discusses the flood on The Weather Channel

Senator Cassidy spoke on The Weather Channel on Aug. 18 about the flood in south Louisiana and how it is affecting the community.


Senator Cassidy Remarks on Stopping the Spread of Zika

US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA) delivered remarks discussing the spread of Zika and what is being done to stop it. He also addressed his plan to manage future public health emergencies.


National Seersucker Day 2016

US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA) interviews with Ali Rogan as part of ABC's coverage of National Seersucker Day.


Actor Ameer Baraka at Senate HELP Committee Hearing on Dyslexia

At the May 10, 2016 Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) committee hearing on Dyslexia, Ameer Baraka gave testimony on his personal experiences with Dyslexia.


Cassidy Gives Opening Remarks at HELP Committee Hearing on Dyslexia

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. chaired a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee hearing, on May 10, 2016, titled “Understanding Dyslexia: The Intersection of Scientific Research & Education.” The goal of the hearing was to gain a better understanding of what Americans need to know about dyslexia and to raise awareness in Congress about the parents and children affected by this disorder. Here are his opening remarks.


Cassidy Questions Sec. King on Dyslexia

Cassidy Questions Secretary King on Dyslexia at Senate Help Committee Hearing: ESSA Implementation in States and School Districts: Perspectives from the U.S. Secretary of Education


Cassidy Designates “Tom Stagg Federal Building and United States Courthouse."


Cassidy on FAA Amendments

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. discusses amendments he introduced to the Senate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act. He also announced he secured language in the bill to allow Hammond Northshore Regional Airport the ability to enter into the Federal Contract Tower.


Senator Cassidy Speaks at HELP Hearing on the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016


Senator Cassidy Questions Secretary Jewell at Appropriations Hearing


Dr. Cassidy Speaks at HELP Hearing on Zika Virus


Senator Cassidy speaks at ENR Committee on Revenue Sharing


Senator Cassidy Remarks on Revenue Sharing


Cassidy speaks at HELP Committee on TRUST IT Act


Senators Cassidy and Vitter Speak on Revenue Sharing


Dr. Cassidy speaks at HELP committee hearing on Mental Health


Energy and Natural Resources Committee

December 10, 2015 on terrorism and global oil markets.


Cassidy Meets Frank Levingston of Louisiana, Oldest Known WWII Veteran

December 8, 2015


Cassidy, Alexander, Isakson Remarks on Repealing Obamacare

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