  • King Cove Markup Play all

    On April 23rd, 2008, the House Natural Resources Committee marked up H.R. 2801, the Izembek and Alaska Peninsula Refuge and Wilderness Enhancement and King Cove Safe Access Act, sponsored by Congressman Don Young. H.R. 2801 was reported out of committee favorably by voice vote. H.R. 2801 allows for a land exchange that will allow the King Cove, AK community to build an access road out of the community.
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  • Alaska Day Play all

    Congressman Young, the Ranking Minority Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, held a hearing on four bills Congressman Young introduced to help Native Alaskans: HR 2445, recognizing Alexander Creek as a Native Village; HR 3350, to amend ANCSA to provide for the equitable allotment of lands to Native Alaskan veterans; HR 3351, the Native American Challenge Demonstration Project Act; and HR 3560, the Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization Act (more)
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  • Rep. Don Young Leads Debate Against the No Energy Bill Play all

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  • Uploads Play all

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