Hearings and Business Meetings

SD-366 Senate Dirksen Building 10:00 AM
The purpose of this hearing is to consider testimony on the following measures:

S. 306 and H.R. 678, Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act;

S. 545, the Hydropower Improvement Act of 2013;

H.R. 267, Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013; and,

S. 761, Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2013.

The hearing will be webcast live on the committee's website, and an archived video will be available shortly after the hearing is complete. Witness testimony will be available on the website at the start of the hearing.

Member Statements

  • The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers
    United States Representative

Witness Panel 1