Chairman's News


Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico Welcomes Input on Territory’s Economic Outlook, Extends Deadline for Submissions

WASHINGTON - Today, members of the bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico welcomed responses to their call for stakeholder input on ideas to identify reforms needed to grow the territory's economy and announced an extension of the deadline for submissions to October 14, 2016. The Task Force, which is charged with making recommendations that will promote economic growth in Puerto Rico, has received over 300 submissions from interested stakeholders to date. In res… Continue Reading


Summer Rewind: Obamacare’s Biggest Flops

Health Law's Failures Took Center Stage in Summer 2016 With crippling high costs, reduced choice, and diminishing access to care, Obamacare's failures heated up with the summer sun. Week after week, announcements came that premiums would be rising and coverage options dropping. Broken promise followed broken promise, leaving American families and job creators at their boiling points. Sadly, these pitfalls are of little surprise and have instead become the status quo as the fundamental flaws of … Continue Reading


ICYMI: A better way to help vulnerable children and families

By Orrin G. Hatch, Ron Wyden, Kevin Brady and Sander M. Levin September 5, 2016 Every year, thousands of American children are taken from their homes and placed in foster care. And in the midst of an opioid epidemic, those numbers are rising. For many children, foster care is absolutely necessary and even lifesaving. Many of those children find stability they never had thanks to the tireless work of dedicated social workers, foster parents, judges and treatment providers. But in many cases,… Continue Reading


Hatch Statement on European Commission’s State Aid Investigation into Apple

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch today released the following statement regarding the European Commission's ruling in the Apple state aid investigation: "Any ruling that is inconsistent with international tax standards and harms American business abroad ‎with retroactive measures is inherently unfair and encroaches on U.S. tax jurisdiction. Further examination of today's ruling is needed, but it appears the European Commission has issued an extraordinary decision that targets U.… Continue Reading


Hatch Calls on Treasury to Re-Propose Debt-Equity Rules

Utah Senator Says, "Finalizing the regulations, without another round of proposed regulations, would be imprudent." WASHINGTON - Citing concerns over the policy and regulatory process of the U.S. Treasury Department's proposed regulations under Internal Revenue Code section 385 regarding debt and equity, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) called on Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to re-issue the regulations in proposed form in a letter today. "I ask you to re-propose the regula… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico Seeks Input on How to Strengthen Territory’s Economy

WASHINGTON - The Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico, which is responsible for identifying impediments to economic growth in the territory and recommending changes, announced it is seeking input from stakeholders. "As we work in a bipartisan manner to identify what reforms are needed to grow the Puerto Rican economy and promote prosperity on the island, we are interested in stakeholder input," the Task Force members said in a joint statement. "Information and insights, fr… Continue Reading


Hatch, Upton Highlight New Non-Partisan Government Report on Uncompensated Care

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) today highlighted a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) evaluating federal support for health care services provided by the nation's hospitals for uninsured and other low-income individuals. The report, which was requested by the chairmen, found that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) needs to do more to improve the … Continue Reading


Finance Committee Continues Momentum in Second Session of 114th Congress

In step with the Republican-led Senate, the Finance Committee produced significant bipartisan policy achievements for the American people in the second session of the 114th Congress. From equipping American job creators with the tools they need to grow the economy to introducing legislation aimed to curb tax refund fraud and protect taxpayers, the Committee added to its growing list of bipartisan products aimed to produce real results for American families and the economy. So far, over the cou… Continue Reading


Hatch, Brady Introduce Resolution in Support of the United Kingdom

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT ) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) introduced a resolution expressing strong support for closer economic and commercial ties between the United States and the United Kingdom following the decision of the people of the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union. In introducing the resolution, Hatch and Brady said: "As the United Kingdom begins the process of withdrawal from the Eu… Continue Reading


Hatch Introduces Bill to Bolster Transparency & Accountability of Nation’s Debt

In letters to Treasury & Federal Reserve, Utah Senator Continues Push for Details on Debt Management Decisions WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today introduced a bill to promote transparency and accountability at the Department of Treasury regarding federal debt management, especially when breach of the statutory debt limit is impending. "The American people, whose hard-earned tax dollars will inevitably pay off the recent explosion of federal debt, dese… Continue Reading


Hatch Statement at Finance Hearing on MACRA

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today delivered the following opening statement at a hearing to examine the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA): I'd like to welcome everyone to this morning's hearing. Today, the committee will hear from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on its initial proposal for implementing the physician payment reforms inc… Continue Reading


Hatch Introduces Bipartisan Bills to Protect Taxpayers, Reduce Identity Theft and Refund Fraud

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today announced the introduction of two bipartisan bills designed to prevent identity theft and tax refund fraud, and to better protect American taxpayers. The bills, the Stolen Identity Refund Fraud Prevention Act, S. 3157, and the Taxpayer Protection Act of 2016, S. 3156, were each approved by a voice vote in a Committee markup held in April. Chairman Hatch issued the following statement upon introduction of the bills: "P… Continue Reading


Hatch Calls on Senate to Support Historic Opioid Legislation

In Speech on Senate Floor, Utah Senator Says, "All of us, Republicans and Democrats, now have a tremendous opportunity to give vital assistance to many Americans in need, and to do so with, hopefully, an almost unanimous voice. These days, we don't often get to do that around here. We should not let partisan politics get in the way of this pressing issue." WASHINGTON - Today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) called on Senate Democrats to act on historic legislation to ad… Continue Reading


Hatch Statement at Finance Hearing on the Stark Law

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today delivered the following opening statement at a hearing to examine ways to improve and reform the Stark Law: As members of the Senate Finance Committee, we have a wide range of duties. In addition to drafting laws and overseeing their enforcement and implementation, we are also called to assess the impact of existing laws to determine their effectiveness at achieving their intended goals. When it comes t… Continue Reading


House-Senate Opioid Conference Report Finalized

WASHINGTON, DC - After yesterday's meeting of House and Senate opioid conferees, bicameral leaders announced last night that a conference report has been filed. The conference report is expected to be on the House floor on Friday. Legislative text is available here. To view a copy of the Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of the Conference, click here. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), Senate Judiciary… Continue Reading

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