In the News


Amid the Ruins of Obamacare

…This column will bring to light another Republican bill, the Patient Freedom Act to be rolled out Thursday at the Hudson Institute by its author, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.)… That's why the GOP needs to be waiting with something to replace Obamacare. "Let it burn" would be a good idea if the Democrats controlled Congress, but the fact that, largely because of Obamacare, the 2010 and 2014 midterm blowouts created Republican majorities in both houses of Congress imposes a larger burd… Continue Reading


ICYMI- The Hill: Top Republican drafts bill to replace ObamaCare

As Republicans debate how to respond to a Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare next month, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) promises to have a plan for what happens next. The freshman senator plans to introduce a bill called the Patient Freedom Act in late May, which is meant to serve as "part two" to the GOP's response to the looming court case, King v. Burwell. Cassidy's plan, which would let states opt out of ObamaCare mandates and instead receive tax credits for health savings accounts, would work i… Continue Reading


ICYMI- WSJ: Sen. Cassidy Maps a Plan to Overhaul Obamacare

Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana is throwing his hat into the ring of Republicans vying to shape the party's health care policy this summer. GOP lawmakers have been wrestling for months over what to do if the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act's tax credits in most of the country, a move that would upend a big part of the law. A decision is expected in June, and Republican leaders believe it will give them a chance to overhaul a law they have long opposed. Mr. Cassidy, a freshman… Continue Reading


Cassidy WSJ OpEd: Dismal Growth Needs the 3.5% Solution

On Wednesday the Commerce Department announced that first-quarter growth of gross domestic product was a dismal 0.2%. Following fourth-quarter GDP growth in 2014 of an anemic 2.2%, the already sluggish economy has slowed almost to a halt. America is facing a harsh reality. The recovery that began in 2009 is the weakest in postwar history. Millions have dropped out the labor force, frustrated by lack of opportunity. Lower-income workers are underemployed, middle-incomes have not advanced as in t… Continue Reading

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