Press Releases

Ellmers Honored with 2012 ACU Conservative Award

Washington, DC, February 28, 2013 | comments

Award Recognizes Commitment to America's Core Principles with Rating of 91 Percent

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement this afternoon after receiving the American Conservative Union's 2012 Award for the 112th Congress:

"I'm honored that the American Conservative Union has recognized my work in Congress and the determination to protect the free enterprise system, individual liberty, and the American values that makes our nation strong. I will continue to fight for common sense policies that will put the American people back to work, increase energy production, remove costly regulations that are crippling our small businesses, and balance our budget so that we can help families across the country. I am very grateful for this award and thank the ACU for the work they are doing to fight for conservative values and recognize the true champions of these policies in Congress."

About the American Conservative Union:

Founded in 1964, the American Conservative Union (ACU) is the oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization in the nation. For more than forty years, ACU has served as an umbrella organization harnessing the collective strength of conservative organizations fighting for Americans who are concerned with liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and strong national defense.

As America’s premier conservative voice, ACU is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, the Executive Branch, State Legislatures, the media, political candidates, and the public.

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For more information, please visit Congresswoman Ellmers’ website at or call (202) 225-4531.

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