Press Releases

Energy Package Passes House with Ellmers’ Amendments

Ellmers Supported H.R. 8, a Comprehensive Energy Package that will Modernize our Outdated Energy Infrastructure and Maximize our Energy Potential

Washington, December 3, 2015 | comments

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) issued the following release after passage of her two amendments and support of H.R. 8 – the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act.

“After working with the Energy & Power subcommittee on a comprehensive energy package for the last several months, I am thrilled to see it passed in the House. This bill, H.R. 8, helps to unleash our nation’s full energy potential and also moves to modernize and secure our energy infrastructure.”

“In addition to my two provisions already in this legislation, I introduced two amendments* this week to roll back misguided regulations affecting American manufacturers and to further promote the much needed modernization of our nation’s outdated electric grid. These amendments passed by voice vote and are included in the final bill we passed today.

“This energy package overhauls our antiquated energy infrastructure and brings it up to speed with the 21st century. Today’s legislation is pivotal to capitalizing on our nation’s energy potential and critical to maintaining our status as the world’s leading energy producer.”


*On Wednesday, December 2, Rep. Ellmers offered two amendments to H.R. 8. Both were adopted and rolled into the comprehensive energy package that passed the House Chamber.

This first amendment offered by Rep. Ellmers was a statement of policy reiterating the necessity in modernizing and updating our nation’s electric grid. By adopting this amendment, the House will start the process of bringing the grid into the 21st Century.

The second amendment offered by Rep. Ellmers would prevent an overreaching Department of Energy (DOE) rule from going into effect. The proposed DOE rule would cause uncertainty within the manufacturing sector, ultimately raising costs for consumers and increasing the price of utility bills.

As outlined in this press release by the Energy & Commerce Committee, H.R. 8 will update our nation’s electric grid in four primary ways:

1) Modernizing Energy Infrastructure
The United States has undergone an energy renaissance driven by newly discovered resources, technological innovation and our skilled workforce. The U.S. is now the world’s leading energy producer, but our pipelines and electric grid haven’t kept pace with the rapid transition. The private sector is eager to invest in new projects to put people to work, but there is simply too much government red tape slowing down the siting and permitting process. Likewise, our electricity sector is constantly evolving in the light of new challenges, such as changing markets, costly environmental regulations, and increasing grid security threats. H.R. 8 focuses on the transmission, distribution, and storage of energy to ensure we have the necessary infrastructure to meet today’s modern energy challenges.

2) Protecting the Electricity System
Ensuring the electric grid is secure, resilient, and reliable is another top priority of H.R. 8.?Changing market dynamics, a barrage of regulations, and external threats have created new energy security and reliability challenges. Disruptions in the delivery of electricity have far-reaching economic and public health impacts. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that power outages cost Americans at least $150 billion annually. The legislation seeks to meet today’s energy reliability and security challenges through enhanced emergency preparedness and utilization of advanced technologies to address threats to the electricity system, including physical and cyber-attacks, electromagnetic pulse, geomagnetic disturbances, severe weather, and seismic events.

3) Strengthening Energy Security and Diplomacy
As the world’s leading producer of petroleum and natural gas, the U.S. is a world energy superpower. With this position comes new opportunities and diplomatic responsibilities. America’s energy abundance should be used to strengthen our energy security while also supporting our allies in their quest for affordable and reliable energy. H.R. 8 takes important steps by strengthening partnerships with our allies and reforming the approval process for energy exports.??

4) Improving Energy Efficiency and Government Accountability
New technologies have the potential to save money and reduce energy use, yet government roadblocks stand in the way. H.R. 8 promotes simple and affordable methods to address energy demand and lower electric bills. It also seeks to reduce government waste and prioritize budget dollars in existing programs, as well as provide important regulatory relief for U.S. manufacturers from burdensome federal efficiency mandates.

 # # #
 Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.
 She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg.