Press Releases

Ellmers Statement on President’s Attempt to Restrict Access to Guns

Washington, January 5, 2016 | comments
  WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) issued the below statement following President Obama’s announced executive actions to restrict Americans access to guns:

 “Our president remains under the impression that he is above the law. He is, once again, working around Congress to demonstrate a flagrant disregard toward our Constitutional rights and the separation of powers between our three branches of government. These are not the actions of a leader – simply choosing to ignore those who disagree with him politically.”

 “This time, he has zeroed in on restricting our gun rights and access to guns. This type of go-at-it-alone behavior has not—and will not—be tolerated.   As a concealed carry permit holder myself, I will not allow for our president to trample on our right to bear arms.” 

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