Press Releases

Ellmers Responds to SCOTUS Decision to Review Obamacare

Washington, DC, November 15, 2011 | comments

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement from her office in Washington this afternoon:

"As more and more challenges to President Obama's disastrous healthcare law continue to grow, I am pleased to see that the Supreme Court has agreed to give it a thorough inspection. I am confident that the glaring violations to the constitution within this law will be struck down. Ultimately, the real solution to this will come through a full repeal of this reckless law and replacing it with real world solutions that will provide fiscal solutions to the problems facing our healthcare industry."

Yesterday, the Supreme Court agreed to review President Obama's 2010 healthcare law and anticipated a landmark decision sometime in June of next year.

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For more information, please visit Congresswoman Ellmers’ website at or call (202) 225-4531.

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