Submissions For The Record

Health Industry Distributors Association

February 10, 2011

The Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA) is the professional trade association that represents the interests of over 600 medical-surgical products distributor companies operating throughout the United States.  Our members deliver life-saving healthcare products to more than 220,000 points of care including over 195,000 physician offices, 5,700 hospitals and 16,000 nursing ...

Tracy Santee

February 10, 2011

I’m a single mother and have always been a single mother except for the first year of my son’s life. I have always had a job and supported my son, but sometimes shared rent with family and friends for many of his first years.  I finally got my own place while I was in my late 20’s. A place that I could afford on my own…..a trailer in a trailer park.  It isn’t the perfect ...


February 10, 2011

LeadingAge commends the Ways and Means Committee for holding this hearing on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on seniors. We believe the new law has had a number of positive and significant effects on the delivery of health care and long-term services and supports to seniors, and we continue to support its implementation.LeadingAge is an association of 5,500 ...

Janice Nichols

February 10, 2011

To:  House Ways and Means Committee      Hearing for Jobs for Unemployed You have no idea how hard it is to have been laid off for over 3 years.  My most recent experience has been in social services and there are no jobs.  These jobs depend upon excess money in the economy and charitable contributions.  Obviously, ...

Medicare Rights Center

February 10, 2011

The Medicare Rights Center is a national, independent nonprofit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through individual counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives. We provide services through six different hotlines to individuals, caregivers and professionals who ...

Yvonne Goersch

February 10, 2011

99ers Need Help While Waiting for Job Creations!!!!Name:  Yvonne GoerschTitle of Hearing:  99ers Need Help While Waiting for Job Creations!!!!The fact that I need to have a place to stay feed my child and to just survive while these jobs are being created is the most important thing in my life right ...

James Bufton

February 10, 2011

Chairman Camp,Americans want to work.  The current political bantering is unacceptable and unproductive.  Trickle down does not and never did work.  History bears this out.  We are facing actual (U6) unemployment number of well over 16%.  No one disputes this.  Yet, the heartless millionaire conservatives would allow decent hard working ...

National Partnership for Women & Families

February 10, 2011

The National Partnership for Women & Families submits this written statement on the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on older women.  The National Partnership is a non-profit, non-partisan consumer organization with 40 years of experience working to make life better for women and families by promoting access to quality health care, fairness in the workplace, and policies that ...

Joyce Fields

February 10, 2011

Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means - Hearing on improving efforts to help unemployed Americans find jobsI have a story to tell.  It is a story heard over and over again all across the country, by millions of unemployed Americans.   PLEASE HELP US, THE UNEMPLOYED, GET BACK TO WORK.  AND THERE ARE A LOT OF ...