Opinion Pieces

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  • “It Can Be Done”
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 17, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Life

    “It can be done.” These four powerful words are printed on a small leather sign that sits at the edge of my desk in D.C.—just as they did for President Reagan. The sign and this motto have motivated me as I’ve moved through life. It stood prominently at the forefront of my mind when I was working a part-time job to pay for nursing school. It followed me through hospital rounds and rotations during late-night shifts and the stresses of surgical intensive care. It steered me toward the decision to... Read more

  • Super Bowl and sex trafficking: The fight to end modern-day slavery must happen every day
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on February 5, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: National Security

    Kimberly Ritter, an anti-sex trafficking advocate, describes the horror: “They take little girls and walk them from truck to truck, they call them lot lizards. The pimp needs to keep control of the girls, that pimp can sell her up to 20 times a day, 7 days a week.” The girls can be 12 and 15 years old; they are our neighbors, nieces, sometimes our daughters or sisters. Take a moment; picture the pain, the torment, the hopelessness and anguish. The stories are real. Modern day slavery is happenin... Read more

  • Op-Ed: N.C. Must Fight Back Against Unions
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on January 27, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy

    Dunn Daily Record By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers Wednesday, January 27, 2016 North Carolina has a storied history, steeped in great achievement and economic prosperity and this can be attributed to the hard work and entrepreneurship of many individuals who have both innovated during their time and inspired others after them. From the Wright Brothers to the entrepreneurship and innovation of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina has always been a state of hardworkers who value the independence ... Read more

  • The Quiet Work
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on January 7, 2016 | Preview rr

    Op-Ed – The Fayetteville Observer By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers Thursday, January 7, 2016 Most of the news we hear about Congress revolves around the work we do in Washington - crafting bills, attending committee hearings and giving speeches. But what is also important is the work my staff and I do in the district every week because this is the work that affects our constituents on an individual and personal basis. Each day, I hear from constituents who need help navigating our extensive maze o... Read more

  • The EPA: Raising Rates and Regulations at Your Expense
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on November 29, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Energy, Regulation

    The EPA: Raising Rates and Regulations at Your Expense Op-Ed – The Southern Pines Pilot By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers Sunday, November 29, 2015 Soon, our president will veto bipartisan legislation created to protect constituents from a spike in electricity costs and threats to the grid reliability. This means that soon, North Carolinians will experience yet another costly environmental regulation handed down to them by their president and his Environmental Protection Agency. Over and over agai... Read more

  • Giving Women Better Access to Health Care | Commentary
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on September 17, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare, Life

    As the rhetoric heats up over Planned Parenthood, it is critical that women retain access to quality health care. Fortunately, there are other accessible and affordable facilities that provide lifesaving health care to women. While Congress works to get to the bottom of how taxpayer dollars are used at Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide, lawmakers still have the responsibility to ensure that women’s health needs are met. Contrary to rhetoric, women’s health care doesn’t have to be sacrific... Read more

  • Rejecting a ‘historic’ bad deal
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on August 25, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: National Security

    Many may remember the iconic photo of President Truman holding the paper with the mistaken headline stating, “Dewey Defeats Truman.” At least that was a historic mistake people could laugh about. On July 14, the Obama administration and other members of the P5+1 made headlines when they reached a “historic” agreement with Iran, purportedly to curb Iran’s nuclear program and protect American interests. This deal is certainly historic — a historic mistake and not one to be taken lightly. The admin... Read more

  • Rep. Ellmers: Fight to save 440th Airlift Wing will continue
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on July 14, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Veterans, National Security

    I do not take this threat to Fort Bragg's paratroopers and Pope's airmen lightly. I think about the 1,284 brave men and women who are serving at this wing each time I bring this fight to the attention of military leaders. I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to prevent this backward decision - and I will unapologetically lead this charge alongside my North Carolina colleagues. Read more

  • Human Trafficking Survivors Cannot Wait
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on May 13, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare, Homeland Security & Immigration

    There's no time to waste. The Senate JVTA represents real and significant progress in our fight to address domestic human trafficking. After several years of working together to get this legislation through the House and Senate, we are just one step away from making it law. Advocates and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have come together to elevate the rights of survivors and bring justice and healing to victims of human trafficking all across the United States. It is now time for the House to finish the job by taking up and passing the Senate bill without further delay. Survivors are counting on them. Read more

  • Opinion: After five years, Obamacare's employer mandate nears
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 25, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare

    Five years ago this week, President Obama signed his broken healthcare proposal into law. At the time, I was a nurse working long hours and late nights with my husband at our small practice in Dunn, North Carolina. Fast forward five years later, and this unworkable law has neither cut costs nor improved the quality of or access to healthcare. In short, it is just as big of a costly disaster as I knew it would be when President Obama first proposed it. Read more

  • It's Time to Take SGR Off of Life Support
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 16, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare

    Over the last 12 years, Congress has spent nearly $150 billion crafting makeshift provisions in an effort to patch a problem that is in dire need of more than just a temporary Band-Aid. Without question, the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is one of the biggest challenges facing the Medicare system to date, and Congress' failure to pass a permanent fix to SGR has had considerable consequences on our nation's seniors and physicians. Read more

  • Ellmers: The impact of public-private partnerships in N.C.
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 27, 2014 | Preview rr

    During one of my many visits to Lee County, I learned about a one-of-a-kind initiative taking place in our local community colleges. The Central Carolina Works Initiative and the Lee County Innovation Center are two public-private partnerships that are seeking to expand educational opportunities to students across Chatham, Harnett and Lee counties. Read more

  • A National Museum for Women's History
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 13, 2014 | Preview rr
    Tags: Life

    Throughout history, conservative women have impacted our nation's future and become an important voice in our democratic republic. We have proven ourselves as pioneers, innovators, leaders and decision-makers Read more

  • How Do You Solve a Problem Like Immigration?
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on January 19, 2014 | Preview rr

    Do we have a problem with our immigration policies? Regardless of where you stand on this issue, my guess is you would say yes. This, like so many important issues facing our country, requires a dedicated approach focused on facts and how the laws we enact impact our security, our economy and the lives of millions of people in America. Read more

  • Op Ed: Making Life Work
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on April 22, 2013 | Preview rr

    By Rep. Renee Ellmers We are a nation of doers. For over two centuries, Americans have grown up in a society that rewards hard work, protects innovation, and allows its citizens to constantly break new barriers. The key element to this success rests on freedom and the ability of individuals to strive toward achieving their dreams and making their children's futures better than their own. But as our nation continues to evolve and our duties blend together, our labor laws must adapt as well. Toda... Read more

  • In the News: "Enough Distractions"
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on August 7, 2012 | Preview rr

    by REP. RENEE ELLMERS Last month, the Obama campaign dispatched actor Don Cheadle to give volunteers here in North Carolina a pep talk. This may say a number of things about the president’s campaign, but chief among them is that President Obama wants to talk about anything but the economy. And that’s unfortunate given that we’re facing serious economic problems in this country. The most recent GDP numbers — which show our economy grew just an anemic 1.5 percent in the last quarter — sound off a... Read more

  • Obama hijacks American success - Rep. Ellmers in Politico
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on July 18, 2012 | Preview rr

    “If you’ve been successful,” Obama insisted, “you didn’t get there on your own. …[S]omebody along the line gave you some help. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.” Outrage is the first word that comes to mind on hearing this. For it strikes at the core of what it means to be American and determine our own future. We often forget that living h... Read more

  • In Congress, a Mulligan for Golf
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on April 18, 2012 | Preview rr

    By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers This month the eyes of the world were focused on the greens of an American pastime and a sport's crowning achievement. The emotional bond between Bubba Watson and his mother after winning the Masters brought tears to our eyes and reminded each of us of the American dream. Golf is more than a sport - it teaches the values of self discipline, dedication, and that even though you have some "misses," the opportunities for recovery and success are available to anyone w... Read more

  • Op-ed: Flip flop or not, freedom attacked
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on February 20, 2012 | Preview rr

    by Renee Ellmers When the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were first written, the founding fathers composed a democratic republic that asserted our rights are endowed by God, not man. With determined hopes for the future and heavy hearts for our ability to maintain liberty against government oppression, they set out to construct a society that protected freedom from the passions of change. For nearly 236 years, these principles have weathered a constant barrage of attacks mounted b... Read more

  • Job Creation Bills Need Action
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on November 22, 2011 | Preview rr

    As Americans, we are big on traditions. These traditions tend to flow from one holiday to the next, season to season, cycle to cycle. Over the past century, there has also been a job cycle. From an early age, we send our children to grade school, hoping they will get the best teachers and form a foundation of learning, hard work and skills. Then in high school, we spend hours transporting them to sports practice, dance lessons, band camp and SAT prep - all with the hope that they will get into ... Read more

  • Job Creation Bills Need Action
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on November 22, 2011 | Preview rr

    As Americans, we are big on traditions. These traditions tend to flow from one holiday to the next, season to season, cycle to cycle. Over the past century, there has also been a job cycle. From an early age, we send our children to grade school, hoping they will get the best teachers and form a foundation of learning, hard work and skills. Then in high school, we spend hours transporting them to sports practice, dance lessons, band camp and SAT prep - all with the hope that they will get into ... Read more

  • Innovators of tomorrow need the freedom to pursue dreams
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on October 12, 2011 | Preview rr

    By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers The Hill Newspaper Wednesday October 12, 2011 Every generation has an American hero – an individual who perseveres, failure after failure, but then ultimately succeeds in making their vision a reality. We love these champions because they experience the same trials and tragedies of life but overcome them in ways that seem super-human. Steve Jobs embodied this American dream, and his success can teach us all about the fundamental American qualities that lead to inn... Read more

  • Innovators of tomorrow need the freedom to pursue dreams
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on October 12, 2011 | Preview rr

    10/12/11 By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers The Hill Newspaper Wednesday October 12, 2011 Every generation has an American hero – an individual who perseveres, failure after failure, but then ultimately succeeds in making their vision a reality. We love these champions because they experience the same trials and tragedies of life but overcome them in ways that seem super-human. Steve Jobs embodied this American dream, and his success can teach us all about the fundamental American qualities that le... Read more

  • No More Speeches, No More Excuses
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on September 12, 2011 | Preview rr

    Politicians tend to believe that the power they wield is almost magic. They get elected by giving energetic speeches with nice words like "hope" and "change" and often get wrapped up in the throngs of loyal believers that follow them to Washington. Once they are in office, they ask "what do we do now?" How they answer this question will ultimately determine their destiny and the fate of the nation. When I came to Washington, I knew exactly what my constituents expected of me and the number one ... Read more

  • No More Speeches, No More Excuses
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on September 9, 2011 | Preview rr

    09/12/11 Politicians tend to believe that the power they wield is almost magic. They get elected by giving energetic speeches with nice words like "hope" and "change" and often get wrapped up in the throngs of loyal believers that follow them to Washington. Once they are in office, they ask "what do we do now?" How they answer this question will ultimately determine their destiny and the fate of the nation. When I came to Washington, I knew exactly what my constituents expected of me and the nu... Read more

  • Voting my Conscience for an Imperfect Bill
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on August 3, 2011 | Preview rr

    Nothing worthwhile has ever come easy. I have often reflected on these words throughout my life as a wife, mother, and a nurse for over 21 years. Yesterday, as I stood on the House floor, I took a deep breath and cast my vote for a bill that, while imperfect, will protect our economy and begin bringing accountability back to Washington. This crisis did not begin last week or even a few months ago. The pressure has been growing in the months leading up to this vote while fear and anger has swell... Read more

  • Voting my Conscience for an Imperfect Bill
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on August 2, 2011 | Preview rr

    Nothing worthwhile has ever come easy. I have often reflected on these words throughout my life as a wife, mother, and a nurse for over 21 years. Yesterday, as I stood on the House floor, I took a deep breath and cast my vote for a bill that, while imperfect, will protect our economy and begin bringing accountability back to Washington. This crisis did not begin last week or even a few months ago. The pressure has been growing in the months leading up to this vote while fear and anger has swell... Read more

  • Complying With ObamaCare Costs Small Businesses...Jobs
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on May 20, 2011 | Preview rr

    As I spend time with constituents and small business owners during National Small Business Week, I'm dismayed to hear about the daunting challenge that lies ahead for many of these entrepreneurs who desperately want to hire more employees, but aren’t confident enough in the economy to do so. Yesterday, I held a small business listening forum in Clayton, North Carolina, and was told that government regulations are becoming, by far, the biggest impediments to growing their small companies. Althou... Read more

  • Complying With ObamaCare Costs Small Businesses...Jobs
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on May 20, 2011 | Preview rr

    As I spend time with constituents and small business owners during National Small Business Week, I'm dismayed to hear about the daunting challenge that lies ahead for many of these entrepreneurs who desperately want to hire more employees, but aren’t confident enough in the economy to do so. Yesterday, I held a small business listening forum in Clayton, North Carolina, and was told that government regulations are becoming, by far, the biggest impediments to growing their small companies. Althou... Read more

  • Small Business Grants Can Grow Economy
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on May 11, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy

    by Renee Ellmers, Special to Roll Call What if I told you the same technology that has helped save countless soldiers’ lives could also be used to vacuum carpets, clean pools or empty gutters? Sounds a little farfetched, right? But in fact, this robotic technology, created by the iRobot Corp., is successfully working in dangerous situations overseas, as well as in homes across the world. Founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists Colin Angle, Helen Greiner and their pr... Read more

  • Easter Lessons from a Stormy Week
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on April 26, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Life

    by Renee Ellmers As we move closer to the Easter holiday this Holy Week, I would like to take the time to reflect on the blessings and sorrows facing our district after the devastating storms last weekend. Since Saturday, I have travelled throughout the district, from Cumberland, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Sampson, and Wake Counties, and have been deeply struck by the destruction and devastation caused by these unprecedented storms. The loss of life, property, businesses, families, and homes has s... Read more

  • ObamaCare -- One Year Later
    Posted in Opinion Pieces on March 31, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare

    As a nurse of twenty years, wife of a surgeon and owner of a wound clinic, I am not only aware of the problems that currently exist in the American health care system -- I have seen them up close -- as a caregiver, a patient and a small business owner in the health care industry. This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- ObamaCare. Unlike the remedy we were promised, Obamacare has done nothing to improve the quality of health care in our count... Read more