Small Business

Small businesses are the backbone of Louisiana’s economy and have accounted for 75 percent of new jobs during our country’s economic recovery. I have visited small businesses throughout our state to hear what's on the mind of local entrepreneurs and workers.

In order to prosper in the twenty-first century, Louisiana must have a successful, growing small business community. That's why I am so focused these efforts to help our small businesses.

Rolling back costly administrative reporting requirements enacted as part of Obamacare that inhibit small businesses ability to retain workers and grow their businesses.

Working on the Small Business Committee to ensure Louisiana small businesses have access to funding for workforce investment initiatives such as job training programs, grants to grow their businesses and create more jobs in their local communities, and working with the Small Business Administration to simplify rules and regulations to reduce compliance costs. 

Expanding and strengthening shipbuilding activities and related industries in Louisiana.

Supporting Association Health Plans to allow small businesses to partner with each other and operate as a larger group to lower the cost of health care for their employees.

Fighting for a fair, flatter, more competitive tax system that helps small businesses by lowering their tax rates so they can compete with larger business both in the U.S. and abroad.

Protecting small, family owned businesses by fighting to repeal the ‘death tax’ which robs families of businesses they have built over a lifetime.

U.S. Senate Small Business Committee

U.S. Small Business Administration

Louisiana Department of Economic Development

National Federation of Independent Business

U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Agency



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