

Agriculture »

Farmers and ranchers play a critical role in New Mexico’s economy. As a $4 billion industry, our farmers help drive the economy and have shaped our state’s history, as many growers in New Mexico come from families that have cultivated land for generations.

Justice & Civil Liberties

Justice & Civil Liberties »

America has made tremendous strides toward ensuring and protecting our civil rights and liberties, but those rights are only real if every American benefits from them equally.


Conservation »

Preserving access to all our natural resources does not only enrich New Mexico’s rich outdoor traditions, but it also spurs our economy. Outdoor recreation activities in New Mexico generate $6.1 billion annually in consumer spending and is also directly responsible for 68,000 New Mexico jobs.

Economy & Jobs

Economy & Jobs »

My number one priority is building on the progress we've made to create good jobs that pay decent wages and continuing to grow our economy from the middle class out.


Education »

I am committed to expanding educational opportunities for all Americans and preparing them to succeed in a global economy. As a father of two public school students, I believe that all children deserve an opportunity to benefit from a great public education.


Energy »

New Mexico, with its abundant wind and solar resources, can and should be America’s epicenter of the clean energy economy.

Health Care & Wellness

Health Care & Wellness »

When I meet with communities across our state, one of the top concerns I hear about is the rising cost of health care. That’s why I’m focused on improving access to affordable, quality health care and for all New Mexicans.


Immigration »

Fixing our broken immigration system is an urgent priority. As the son of an immigrant, I'm familiar with the unique promise America represents for families. I know how hard immigrants work, how much they believe in this country, and how much they're willing to give back.

Indian Country

Indian Country »

I take pride in working with our tribal communities, and will continue to defend and protect tribal sovereignty, and advocate on their behalf on issues such as education, water access, housing, infrastructure, public safety, and cultural preservation.

Innovation & Technology

Innovation & Technology »

I am a strong believer that innovation is what America does best. And that technology and science-driven policies are how we can best meet many of our 21st century challenges.

Military & National Security

Military & National Security »

Our women and men in uniform make up the strongest, best-trained, most well-equipped military in the world. New Mexicans have long answered the call of duty to serve. This tradition runs deep in our state’s history, and at times New Mexico has had the highest rate of military volunteerism of any state in the country.

National Labs

National Labs »

Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories employ some of the best and brightest minds in the country and are indispensable to our national security. The labs also strengthen our economy by providing high-paying, high-skilled technology jobs in our great state and I will always fight to protect their missions.


Veterans »

The tradition of women and men answering the call of duty runs deep in New Mexico's history. Many times our state has had the highest rate of military volunteerism in the country.