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  • A Victory for All American Private Property Owners
    Posted in Mac's Columns on December 13, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Agriculture, Executive Overreach

    U.S. Rep. Mac Thornberry Sen. John Cornyn Wichita Falls Times Record News http://www.timesrecordnews.com/opinion/national/a-victory-for-all-american-private-property-owners-26a1fdc8-e081-3877-e053-0100007f6c98-361683461.html Imagine that you had worked hard to purchase a piece of property, pay your taxes on the land, and plan to pass it along to your children for their use and enjoyment. All seems well until an agency of the federal government decides that it really owns your land and swoops in ... Read more

  • Federal Spending & Defunding Planned Parenthood
    Posted in Mac's Columns on September 29, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Federal Budget

    Dear Friends, The federal government’s fiscal year ends on September 30, and, as usual, there are a number of controversial issues related to federal spending. The following chart summarizes how the federal government spent your money during the last fiscal year. Here is another look at the different categories of spending over time. As you can see, a large majority of federal spending – about two-thirds – is spent in mandatory programs, also known as entitlements and interest on our national de... Read more

  • An act of cowardice and terror
    Posted in Mac's Columns on July 17, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: National Security

    Dear Friends, Sally and I are praying for the families of the Marines who were gunned down yesterday in Chattanooga and for the citizens of Tennessee. We ask our service members to risk their lives on our behalf when we deploy them to foreign lands to fight our enemies. They understand the inherent risks that come with the jobs they do, and that is part of what makes their voluntary service so incredible. They should not have to fear for their safety when they come home to their families. The FB... Read more

  • Thornberry Op-ed: We need trade agreements with American rules
    Posted in Mac's Columns on June 9, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Economy

    Since mankind’s earliest days, we have traded. Exchanging a goat for some wood or stone was an essential means of survival. Some groups or individuals have always been better at some tasks than others. The same is true among nations today. Whether it is differences in climate, natural resources, or stage of economic development, some countries are better able to produce certain goods than others. Buying and selling goods among them helps raise the living standards of everyone. In the U.S., we do... Read more

  • Servant Leaders
    Posted in Mac's Columns on March 30, 2015 | Preview rr

    Each year, I have the opportunity to nominate several local high school students to attend the nation’s military service academies. These young men and women are some of our best and brightest, not only because of their athletic skills and academic records but because of their character and desire to serve their country. These candidates come from all over our part of Texas, and they make me even more hopeful about America’s future. A nomination is not an automatic ticket to any of the service a... Read more

  • Thornberry Op-ed: Putting the death tax to rest
    Posted in Mac's Columns on January 23, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    My political life began in a slightly unlikely place: in the pickup with my grandfather in Donley County. A rancher by heritage and profession, he was always interested in the news and somehow imparted upon me the understanding that decisions being made a long way off affected our daily lives. My ears would especially perk up as I would listen to my father and grandfather discuss the impact of the inheritance tax, or death tax, and the dire possibility that we would have to sell part of our land... Read more

  • Chairman Thornberry in Washington Post: "Effective action against extremists"
    Posted in Mac's Columns on January 16, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: National Security

    Effective Action Against Extremists The Washington Post By Chairman Thornberry January 11, 2015 Full text below "Last spring, first lady Michelle Obama held a sign that said “#BringBackOurGirls,” a response to the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria by an al-Qaeda cousin called Boko Haram. The girls are still missing. In December, members of the Pakistani Taliban murdered 132 schoolchildren and 10 staff members in Peshawar. "Last week in Paris, gunmen attacked a newspaper that had published... Read more

  • COLUMN: School Lunch Regulations Replacing Parents
    Posted in Mac's Columns on August 19, 2014 | Preview rr

    A new school year is just around the corner. Now part of what school districts, administrators, and teachers are preparing for is far-reaching federal food mandates. Most of us have mixed memories of the food we ate in the school cafeteria. Some of it was more to our liking than others as the school tried to balance cost, convenience, nutrition, and tastiness. (I confess that I never ate the lima beans). Few disagree with the importance of people of all ages trying to eat a healthy, balanced die... Read more

  • COLUMN: Protecting Private Property
    Posted in Mac's Columns on July 16, 2014 | Preview rr

    All of us who grew up on the land know how precious our American private property rights are. It is not just about our business or finances. It is also about self-reliance and stewardship – taking care of what we have in order to provide opportunity and the chance for a better future for coming generations. That sense of responsibility for the future makes threats to our property rights alarming, especially when those threats come from our own government. And there is a growing momentum toward f... Read more

  • COLUMN: No wonder your doctor is frustrated
    Posted in Mac's Columns on May 1, 2014 | Preview rr

    One of my family members was recently in the hospital (and is doing great). Spending some time around those doctors, nurses, technicians, and volunteers reminded me what a special calling medicine and health care is. The doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals were amazing, not only in their professional skill, but also in their caring. We all tend to take that for granted until we or someone we love needs them. But if you talk to someone involved in health care, you soon find out t... Read more