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Congressional Task Force on Competitiveness

Congressman Yarmuth speaks at the Forum on U.S. Economic Competitiveness in June of 2010

In December of 2009, Congressman Yarmuth and Congressman Mike Michaud (ME-2) founded the Congressional Task Force on Competitiveness - a newly-formed group of fifteen Members of Congress dedicated to advancing long-term policies and initiatives that will guarantee America’s economy will thrive for decades to come.

The task force holds bimonthly sessions to focus on crafting education, trade, tax, intellectual property, and broadband/infrastructure policy that will strengthen the American workforce and enhance the global competitiveness of American industries to create jobs nationwide.

“Congressmen Yarmuth and Michaud and the entire Task Force on Competitiveness are dedicating themselves to rebuilding our economy for the long term with a solid foundation of innovation, manufacturing and education.  I commend them for their focus on this vital issue and look forward to seeing the product of their work,” said Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

Congressmen Yarmuth and Michaud were selected by House leadership to lead this new initiative as part of Congress’ overall effort to grow the economy after last year’s economic crisis.

“For our national security and our economic prosperity, we need a robust manufacturing sector here in the United States,” said Congressman Michaud. “For too long our country has ignored the needs of manufacturers. This task force will concentrate on ways that we can increase the competitiveness of U.S. companies so that they can grow and create jobs.”

“In my district, GE has pledged to bring 830 new jobs to our community to manufacture the energy-efficient products that will be in demand well into the future,” said Congressman Yarmuth. “The Competitiveness Task Force will use this type of forward-thinking to develop national policies that will not only help get our economy back on track now, but also provide reliable, long-lasting job creation and economic growth 20, 30, and 40 years into the future.”

Congressmen Yarmuth and Michaud were selected by House leadership to lead this new initiative as part of Congress’ overall effort to grow the economy after last year’s economic crisis.

Future meetings of the Task Force will include guest speakers and the establishment of policy priorities.

For more, visit the official web page for the Task Force.

The Task Force in the News:

"Digging Out of a Recession" - Roll Call, December 17, 2009