#TBT: U.S. Economy Falls Below Its Own “Mendoza Line”

Latest CBO Report Confirms: Obama Economic Policies a Big Swing and a Miss
August 25, 2016 — Blog   

Baseball fans from the 1970s probably remember the infamous “Mendoza line” — the line signifying light-hitting shortstop Mario Mendoza’s weak batting average of .200. Players and fans knew that if a batting average fell below the Mendoza line, it was a really bad year.

mendoza-1980-cardImage Source

The U.S. economy has a similar “Mendoza line” — measured in terms of economic growth — and President Obama’s economic “batting average” is about to fall below it.

That’s according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which projects that America’s long-run economic growth will fall below 2 percent in the next 10 years. For the first time in modern U.S. history, economic growth will be at an unheard of 1.85 percent – that’s bad news in baseball, but it’s even worse news for Americans, who have had to suffer through the worst economic recovery since World War II.

Americans deserve better.

House Republicans have put forward a bold tax reform Blueprint built for growth — the growth of jobs, the growth of families’ paychecks, and the growth of our economy.  According to the Tax Foundation, our Blueprint will grow the U.S. economy by 9.1 percent, create 1.7 million new jobs, and significantly raise Americans’ wages.

As Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said:

“Americans deserve better than the anemic growth they’re getting today. That’s why House Republicans are proposing a better way: a 21st century tax code built for growth. Our bold, innovative ideas will ensure our economy leads in the global market for the long term — unleashing job creation, increasing take-home pay, boosting investment, and improving lives. That’s the growth Americans deserve and that’s the growth we will deliver.”

CLICK HERE to read House Republicans’ pro-growth policies in “A Better Way for Tax Reform.”