Press Releases / News

May 12, 2016

SEEC Statement on EPA Methane Rules

We applaud the Administration’s most recent step to keep American families safe and healthy by reducing dangerous methane pollution nationwide...

Apr 22, 2016

Earth Day 2016

Led SEEC Co-Chairs Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11), Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-06), & Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-20) SEEC members took numerous actions in recognition of Earth Day.

Mar 15, 2016

SEEC Member Statements on Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program

The Proposed Program evaluates 13 potential lease sales in six planning areas – 10 potential sales in the Gulf of Mexico and three potential sales off the coast of Alaska. The Proposed Program does not schedule any lease sales in Atlantic areas.

Mar 11, 2016

Statement on U.S.-Canada Joint Climate, Energy, Arctic Announcement and EPA Plans to Limit Methane Emissions from Existing Sources

SEEC Members released the following statement on the U.S.-Canadian joint climate, energy, and Arctic leadership announcement.

Jan 14, 2016

Statement on Retirement of SEEC Co-Founder and Vice-Chair Rep. Steve Israel

On January 5, 2016 SEEC Co-Founder and Vice-Chair Rep. Steve Israel (NY-03) announced that he would not seek reelection this year to the 115th Congress. SEEC members released the following statement.

Dec 14, 2015

SEEC Member Statements on Paris Climate Agreement

The importance of achieving a climate agreement in Paris is second only to the willingness of the U.S. and others to take meaningful steps to reduce carbon pollution in the following days, months, and years.

Nov 6, 2015

Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Rejection

Now that this question has been officially put to rest, it is time for Republicans in Congress to stop focusing on promoting dirty fossil fuels, and get serious about more pressing issues like responding to climate change and developing clean energy solutions that create good paying, permanent jobs.

Oct 6, 2015

SEEC Member Statement on Final Ozone Standards

We appreciate the EPA taking this important step to strengthen national air quality standards. Although a more stringent ozone standard would have had even greater public health benefits, the new standard will help save lives, reduce asthma attacks, and prevent additional missed school and work days.

Aug 3, 2015

Statement on the Clean Power Plan

The Clean Power Plan lays the foundation for America’s energy future. We have an opportunity and the ability to make our economy and our communities stronger by investing in proven clean energy technologies to improve efficiency and reliability.

Jun 18, 2015

Statement on Pope’s Encyclical on Climate Change and the Environment

For those unmoved by the science of climate change, we hope that Pope Francis’ encyclical demonstrates the virtue and moral imperative for action. Today’s announcement further aligns the scientific and moral case for climate action.
