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The one thing that survives from civilization to civilization is creative product – music, literature, art.

In Louisville, you will find a living, breathing scene of extraordinary creative works, one built on a history of patronage and investment. Louisville is one of just 12 cities in the country that can boast a children’s theater, a ballet, an orchestra, an opera, and a nationally-recognized theater.

There are more than 1,500 arts-related businesses in Louisville. They employ almost 8,000 residents and, along with the nonprofit arts organizations in town, generate $260 million in economic activity in our city every year.

When we invest in the arts and arts education, the benefits do not stop at the classroom, studio, or stage door. Study after study proves that students with access to arts education programs in school are more likely to go to college and succeed in the careers they pursue. 

Regardless of economic or social background, individuals who participated in arts education programs are more likely to vote, volunteer in their community, and work for causes that benefit their friends and neighbors.

As a Member of the Congressional Arts Caucus, I will continue to support federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.