House Service & Seniority

The House of Representatives is the only body directly elected by the American people since its inception in 1789. Constitutionally, Members of the House stand for re-election every two years. This section provides data about a Member's service in the House.

Total Members of the House & State Representation

Total Members of the House & State Representation

View a chart providing historical totals of House Membership, including dates that territories entered the Union.

Terms of Service for Current Members of the House

Terms of Service for Current Members of the House

A PDF chart of Current Members of the House of Representatives sorted by number of terms of service (in descending order by beginning of service) and then alphabetically by last name.

Members With 40 Years or More House Service

Members With 40 Years or More House Service

A list of Members who Have served 40 years or more in the House of Representatives since Congress first convened in 1789.