Congressman Bob Gibbs

Representing the 7th District of Ohio

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July 13, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The ability of health care professionals to refuse to participate in abortions got a boost today as the House of Representatives voted to pass the Conscience Protection Act.

July 11, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – After last week’s announcement by the CDC and EPA, Congressman Bob Gibbs led colleagues from House and Senate leadership in demanding President Obama give all Americans the same protections against the Zika virus.

July 6, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Facing scrutiny over evidence of fraud and poor management, federal officials overseeing the food stamp program were questioned by Congressman Bob Gibbs and his colleagues in an Agriculture Committee hearing this morning.  Following an audit and report by Ohio Auditor Dave Yost detailing issues that indicate potential fraud and policies that lead to excessive card balances, Gib

July 5, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – After FBI Director James Comey’s announcement recommending no charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement:

June 10, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Standing in support of the American energy industry, the House of Representatives passed two resolutions earlier today to express the sense of Congress opposing the President’s proposals that will hurt American energy producers.

May 31, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – After the release of a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court in favor of landowners and private property rights, Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement:

May 25, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Building on the reforms of 2014’s Water Resources Reform and Development Act, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee passed H.R. 5303, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 today.

May 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – States, local governments, and mosquito control districts are a step closer to preventing a Zika outbreak in the United States after the House passed legislation suspending a duplicative and unnecessary permitting process for pesticides.

May 19, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – After three years without a pay raise, American servicemen and servicewomen could see an increase in their paychecks if the House’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) becomes law.


In The News

January 6, 2015 In The News
An article about the 114th United States Congress.
July 2, 2013 In The News
U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs met with Richland County Chamber of Commerce members Monday to talk about upcoming legislation and local officials’ concerns. Gibbs, a Republican representing Ohio’s newly aligned 7th Congressional District, is just one of many elected officials to attend the chamber’s “Meet the Members” luncheons.
July 2, 2013 In The News
Last week, President Obama rolled out his climate change plan in a speech at Georgetown University. His initiative, which includes halting the Keystone XL Pipeline project and making cuts to coal energy, will wipe out American jobs and raise electricity bills for hardworking American families across the country.
July 2, 2013 In The News
I recently had the opportunity to meet the young entrepreneurs representing Stark County at the Junior Achievement Company of the Year competition in Washington, D.C. It is inspiring to see Junior Achievement helping young people to foster business skills at such a young age.
June 28, 2013 In The News
Rep. Bob Gibbs isn’t shy about telling the regulation-happy Environmental Protection Agency to back off. And he hasn’t held back in telling the Army Corps of Engineers it needs to speed up studies and approvals of port dredgings, dams and other crucial water projects.
June 17, 2013 In The News
"That's probably the best part about this job -- getting an opportunity to go out and meet people and see things that you wouldn't see otherwise," says Gibbs.
June 14, 2013 In The News
As House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders plan their version of a Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, it's clear they want the bill to include provisions to accelerate Army Corps of Engineers civil-works project reviews. The WRDA the Senate passed on May 15 already includes language that aims to move projects faster through reviews.
June 12, 2013 In The News
Football greats including Lynn Swann from the Pittsburgh Steelers, Kellen Winslow of the San Diego Chargers and Steve Largent of the Seattle Seahawks kicked off a legislative initiative on Tuesday that would allow the U.S. Mint to sell gold and silver commemorative coins whose sales would benefit the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
June 12, 2013 In The News
Sen. Rob Portman and GOP Reps. Bob Gibbs and Jim Renacci plan a press conference Tuesday in Washington with Hall of Fame players running back Floyd Little, wide receiver Lynn Swann, tight end Kellen Winslow Sr. and wide receiver Steve Largent.
June 6, 2013 In The News
In the wake of the recent tornado in Moore, Okla., it is important that we all take time to reflect on this tragedy. While the city of Moore begins to rebuild, Americans rally together to bring supplies and prayers to those affected by the tornado.


Photo Galleries

December 17, 2010 Photo Gallery
View the photo gallery.


November 4, 2011 Video
Gibbs expresses strong support of H.R. 2838, the “Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011,” and in particular Title VII of the bill, the “Commercial Vessel Discharges Reform Act of 2011.
July 27, 2011 Video
WHIZ TV spoke with Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) about the current debt limit negotiations. For more of the WHIZ Interview, go to
July 18, 2011 Video
Congressman Gibbs speaks on the floor in support of H.R. 2560, The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act.
