The Jobs Search

Giving Empty Rhetoric a Bad Name

March 31, 2015

Much attention has been given to President Obama’s continued “focus” on passage of the American Jobs Act.  As others have noted, however, looking back it seems that while the Obama Administration’s alleged “focus” on job creation and their trillion dollar failed stimulus ...

Camp Statement on Balanced Budget Amendment Failure

March 31, 2015

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement in reaction to the Balanced Budget Amendment failing to pass in the U.S. House of Representatives: "The debt, which hit a staggering $15 trillion this week, is weakening our economy and is costing us about

Obama Administration Far Better at Creating New Food Stamp and Disability Recipients Than Jobs

March 31, 2015

As shown in the chart below, the policies of President Obama and the Democrats who control Washington have failed the American people, forcing millions onto federal disability benefits and food stamps while at the same time destroying almost half a million jobs.  Despite these facts, the President again insisted today on increasing taxes on American families and businesses.  It is time ...

Where Are the Jobs Update

October 22, 2014

“Four years ago, President Obama began to pull our country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, while laying the foundation for an economy built to last.  We’ve come a long way – but there’s more to do.  Take a look at the goals the President has set to move this country forward.…CREATE 1 MILLION NEW MANUFACTURING JOBS BY 2016.”