Questions For The Record

Nina E. Olson

January 20, 2011

The Honorable Dave CampChairmanCommittee on Ways and MeansUnited States House of RepresentativesWashington, D.C.  20515Dear Chairman Camp:I am writing in response to your letter dated February 8, 2011, which requested that I answer two questions for the record submitted by Rep. Diane Black in connection with the ...

Dr. Martin A. Sullivan

January 20, 2011

1. What are the statistics regarding tax compliance by individuals?Details are important, and on the issue of tax compliance I must refer you to the detailed and excellent study by Eric Toder of the Tax Policy Center (“What is the Tax Gap?” available on the Urban Institute web site). Let me summarize the situation as I see it. Individual compliance depends on what sort ...

Kevin A. Hassett, Ph.D.

January 20, 2011

March 21, 2011Committee on Ways and MeansU.S. House of Representatives1102 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515-6348Dear Representative Black:Thank you for your questions.  Please feel free to contact ...

Warren S. Hudak

January 20, 2011

Warren HudakResponses to Questions for the RecordWays & Means CommitteeFebruary 22, 2011  Evasion at the Individual Tax ...

Robert McDonald

January 20, 2011

Responses to Questions for the Record submitted to Robert McDonald for the Committee on Ways and Means hearing on Fundamental Tax Reform, held January 20, 2011Questions from Rep. Diane Black1.       Evasion at the Individual Tax Payer Level:  What are the statistics regarding tax evasion at the individual level?A:  We do not ...

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