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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Foreign Affairs

American leadership abroad is more necessary than ever due to a complex global landscape, evolving national security threats, and political instability around the globe. Whether in Syria, Ukraine, Western Europe or Israel, the evolving nature of our international relations requires us to continuously reevaluate what measures are necessary to really keep America safe.
While in Congress, I’ve supported a focused foreign policy that curbs runaway defense spending and instead invests in intelligence, international development, humanitarian aid, global health and direct diplomacy. I am proud to be the co-chair of the International Basic Education Caucus and belong to a number of Diaspora focused caucuses representative of the rich multi-ethnic heritage of Chicago and the Fifth District. While not perfect, I voted in favor of the Iran Nuclear deal and have fought for the continuation of the U.S. Syrian refugee resettlement effort. I have been a vocal champion for the Visa Waiver Program and have introduced the Visa Waiver Program Enhanced Security and Reform Act and the JOLT Act to make the program more secure and viable for future generations. And, as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have fought to fund critical programs that combat HIV/AIDS and promote international development like PEPFAR, USAID, and the Strategic Climate Fund. 
American values and culture represent our most important global exports. We must invest in a foreign policy designed at its core to build people up and tear walls down. That’s true American leadership. 
Rep. Mike Quigley spoke to his colleagues on the House floor on the importance of the United States’ relationship with Israel as an ally and friend.
Rep. Quigley showed support for the continued acceptance of Syrian and Iraqi refugees and encouraged additional funding specific to refugee resettlement.

Rep. Mike Quigley offered an amendment to the fiscal year 2016 Homeland Security appropriations bill that would authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to admit Poland as a program country under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).


More on Foreign Affairs

Jun 9, 2016 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) released the following statement in support of bipartisan H.R. 5278, Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA):
Jun 8, 2016 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), released the following statement in response to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to a Joint Session of Congress:
May 11, 2016 Speeches
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) spoke to his colleagues on the House floor on the importance of the United States’ relationship with Israel as an ally and friend.
Mar 22, 2016 Press Release
Representative Quigley released the following statement in response to the terrorist attack in Brussels, Belgium.
Dec 16, 2015 Speeches
Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues to support the Tracking Foreign Fighters in Terrorist Safe Havens Act, which provides for a more clear understanding of the real threats to U.S. security and allows Congress to work in partnership with U.S. national security agencies to defend against these threats.
