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Congress Sends DTV Transition Delay Bill to President Obama


Yarmuth supports bill to help Louisvillians in need of assistance

(Washington, DC) Today, Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) and the House of Representatives approved legislation to delay the transition to digital TV by four months.  The Senate passed the measure last week, and President Obama is expected to sign it into law in the coming days.

“With so much of our daily information coming from television, making the transition too soon could leave millions of people in the dark,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “I encourage any Louisvillians who are concerned about the change to contact my office for more information.”

The change to digital is currently scheduled for February 17, but the bill would delay the move until June 12. 

The federal government issued coupons for $40 toward converter boxes that would allow analog TV sets to work in the new format.   Many still await coupons, while others were not able to take advantage of theirs before they expired.  The bill allows anyone with expired coupons to apply for new ones.

To learn more about the transition, please visit