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Yarmuth Applauds President Obama for Ending Ban on Federal Funding of Stem Cell Research

(Washington, DC) Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order overturning eight year-old restrictions on stem cell research.  Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) praised the President’s action, which will give American scientists greater ability to pursue potentially life-saving research.

"Today, President Obama has empowered American scientists, including those conducting important stem cell research at UofL, to once again take the lead on some of the most promising avenues for medical discovery. This decision could one day unlock the mysteries of cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, diabetes and many other debilitating conditions, while eliminating suffering and saving the lives of millions of people. I was proud to have cosponsored legislation lifting this ban in the last Congress, and I commend President Obama for taking this critical step that at last begins to base federal policy on sound scientific evidence.”