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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


As Americans, we all owe a special debt of gratitude to our nation’s veterans. More importantly, we have a responsibility to protect and support them when they return from defending our freedoms abroad.
Every veteran deserves quality healthcare, access to education, housing and employment. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I’ve fought to increase funding for veteran mental health services, suicide prevention, and medical and prosthetic research. I’m also a proud cosponsor of the Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act and the Reducing Barriers for Veterans Education Act, both of which aim to improve veterans access to meaningful work and education, improving the quality of life for millions of military families. It’s been an honor to share the ice with the USA Warriors, a team comprised of injured and disabled Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans who play hockey as part of their rehabilitation efforts. Additionally, it’s one of my greatest privileges to greet Chicago area veterans traveling to Washington, DC several times a year as part of the Honor Flight program. And, as a stalwart champion for repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, I continue to engage with the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs to create a more inclusive military for women and LGBT service members and veterans. 
President Kennedy said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” As your representative in Congress, I take these words to heart and strive to better serve all those who have served America. 

Rep. Mike Quigley introduced the Military and Veterans Education Protection Act, which would protect veterans from predatory for-profit colleges.

Rep. Mike Quigley helped introduce the Jobs for Heroes Act, which would reinstate tax credits designed to spur veteran employment.

Rep. Mike Quigley visits Chicago’s Rags of Honor to hear how the local business is helping employ homeless veterans.


More on Veterans

Nov 5, 2015 Press Release
Quigley, Speier, Takano, Jones, and 18 original co-sponsors introduced the Military and Veterans education Protection Act, which would close the “90/10 loophole” that encourages for-profit colleges to aggressively recruit, and in many cases defraud veterans receiving benefits under the GI bill.
Jul 9, 2015 Press Release
U.S. Representatives Mike Quigley (IL-05) and Cheri Bustos (IL-17) continued efforts to create jobs for our nation’s veterans by introducing the Jobs for Heroes Act, legislation that would not only reauthorize, but also expand and make permanent two currently expired federal business tax credits designed to spur veteran employment.
Jun 30, 2015 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) joined Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD-05), the second ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, to tour Rags of Honor, a screen printing organization that has the mission of providing employment and services to homeless veterans.
Apr 21, 2014 Page

All of us who enjoy the benefits of living in this, the greatest of countries, must always remember that there is a reason the United States stands as a beacon of freedom throughout the world. We owe a special debt to all of you.

Mar 1, 2014 Press Release
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) and a team of Chicago Blackhawks alumni and local celebrities faced off against the USA Warriors Standing Team in a hockey game.
