Congressman Tim Huelskamp

Representing the 1st District of Kansas

Huelskamp's opinion on Syrian Refugees has become the prevailing thought among conservatives

Nov 23, 2015
In The News


U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp has opposed President Barack Obama’s goal to resettle 10,000 refugees since September, suggesting in a tweet Sept. 14 that some of the refugees will be “radical Muslims who want to wage jihad.”

Huelskamp’s opinion, considered stringent at the time, has become the prevailing thought among conservatives since a series of attacks by the Islamic State on Nov. 13 in Paris left 130 people dead. Though it remains unclear whether any Syrian refugees took part in the attacks, conservative politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have called for restrictions on the resettlement of refugees in the weeks since.

“ISIS has made it very clear that they will commit acts of terrorism against the West, including the United States,” Huelskamp said Monday. “As part of their plans, ISIS has announced they are planting terrorists among Syrian refugees.”

On Thursday, Huelskamp joined the other U.S. House members from Kansas — Reps. Lynn Jenkins, Kevin Yoder and Mike Pompeo — in voting to pause Syrian settlements in the United States and demand a more extensive vetting process.
