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Congressman Evan Jenkins

Representing the 3rd District of West Virginia

Energy and Mining

Congressman Evan Jenkins believes America needs affordable domestic energy to power our homes, businesses and economy. West Virginia has an abundant amount of reliable, domestically produced energy resources – one of the largest reserves in the nation. Evan will continue to advocate on behalf of West Virginia’s energy workers and resources, in particular coal and natural gas, to grow our economy and make our nation more secure.

Evan has always promoted coal as a key component of our nation’s energy policy and believes that an all-of-the-above strategy is the best way to address our energy needs and challenges. He has strongly criticized the administration’s regulatory overreach that unfairly affect West Virginia coal, undermine coal jobs, increase energy costs, and reduce the production of reliable energy that coal provides.

Evan believes it is the responsibility of Congress to take a hard look at the economic consequences of energy legislation and the president’s regulatory policies. He has seen firsthand the toll that this administration’s agenda has taken on West Virginia’s hardworking families. The president’s war on coal has battered Appalachia and cost West Virginia thousands of good-paying jobs.

From the start of the 114th Congress, Evan has fought back against the administration’s regulatory overreach. Through his role on the House Appropriations Committee, he has helped advance legislation to scale back the president’s war on coal, including cutting the president’s budget for the Environmental Protection Agency by $1.2 billion. He obtained key provisions to prohibit costly new rulemaking that would hurt coal-fired power plants and coal mining operations. During committee markup, he sought and secured an important amendment to bar the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from rewriting ground-level ozone standards, a rule which could stifle economic development and halt important transportation projects in West Virginia and across the nation.

In addition to Evan’s work on the House Appropriations Committee, he has cosponsored and worked to pass several other important energy bills. He is an original cosponsor of the Ratepayer Protection Act, which passed the House in June. This bill would ensure that our states are not forced to adopt new, burdensome federal regulations if they increase costs for our energy producers and consumers.

Evan also proudly cosponsored the Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act, which would ensure that our state and local officials are the ones responsible for overseeing coal ash management – not EPA bureaucrats. Further, he was an original cosponsor and a strong advocate for the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which passed the House in July. The REINS Act would allow Congress to vote on expensive regulations proposed by the EPA and other federal agencies.

With deep roots in coal mining, Evan is a passionate advocate of miners and their families. He is an ardent supporter of efforts to improve the health and safety of miners. The first piece of legislation Evan introduced was a resolution ensuring that coal miners would be able to keep their black lung benefits regardless of changes to federal healthcare policy. Evan will continue to fight for the black lung program and encourages efforts to improve working conditions for our miners.

As someone who stands up for our West Virginia miners and their families, Evan is a proud cosponsor of the Coal Healthcare and Pensions Protection Act. This bill will ensure that excess funds from the Abandoned Mine Land Fund will be reserved for many retired miners’ pension and health benefits and continue the solvency of such pension plans. 



More on Energy and Mining

September 6, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement today on Ramaco Development’s announcement of a partnership with two private equity firms to invest $90 million to open two new coal mines in southern West Virginia:

August 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) announced today two major federal grants for the Coalfield Development Corporation in Wayne and the Hobet mining site in Boone and Lincoln counties.

The Coalfield Development Corporation will receive $1,870,000 from the Appalachian Regional Commission for its Appalachian Social Entrepreneurship Investment Strategy. The West Virginia Development Office will receive $200,000 from the ARC for the Hobet strategic plan.

August 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) announced today a major federal grant for Advantage Valley in Huntington.

Advantage Valley will receive $250,000 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for its Site Development and Small Business Feasibility Study. This study will identify commercial development sites for manufacturing, chemical and polymer production, and other industries. It will also look at how to attract small businesses in critical fields and obstacles to development.

August 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) announced today a major federal grant for the Mingo County Air Transportation Park.

August 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) announced today the Hatfield-McCoy Trails have received a grant of nearly $1.4 million from the Appalachian Regional Commission.

The Hatfield McCoy Regional Recreation Authority in Man will receive $1,372,275 for its Southern Coalfields Sustainable Tourism & Entrepreneurship Program. These funds will be used to expand tourism opportunities and related businesses, as well as expanding existing trails.

August 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) announced today two major federal grants for the Bluewell Public Service District in Bluefield and the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority.

The Bluewell Public Service District will receive $1.5 million from the Appalachian Regional Commission and $1 million from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to expand municipal water service to the Mercer County Airport. The New River Gorge Regional Development Authority will receive $967,000 from the ARC and $120,000 from the EDA.

June 15, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) fought successfully to cut the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s budget by $164 million and halt the implementation of new EPA rules that would hurt coal mining.

These provisions are included in the Fiscal Year 2017 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, which the House Appropriations Committee passed Wednesday. Rep. Jenkins is a member of the committee and serves on its Interior subcommittee.

June 10, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – A carbon tax would raise energy prices on West Virginia’s families and put jobs in jeopardy, U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) said on the House floor.

“According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, a carbon tax would hurt our economy, it would raise prices, and diminish people’s purchasing power. It would reduce the number of hours people worked, resulting in lost wages. It would also disproportionately hurt low-income families and raise energy prices for seniors and for families,” he said.

June 8, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – A new EPA rule will hurt West Virginia’s economy and make it harder to attract new employers, U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) said on the House floor Wednesday.

“Counties not in compliance with the new standard could find it even harder to attract and build new developments. In southern West Virginia, that means we might not be able to redevelop our former mine sites to full productivity and potential. It could even halt the much-needed Hobet mine redevelopment,” he said.

June 7, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) worked closely with the U.S. Labor Department to secure more than $4 million for WorkForce West Virginia to retrain displaced coal miners.

The $4,318,182 National Dislocated Worker Grant will allow WorkForce West Virginia to continue to retrain 1,700 people already enrolled and expand its offerings to about 300 additional dislocated workers. This grant will also build on previously awarded grants, bringing funds awarded to date to $15,046,460.