• Latest News

    John Kline Helps Champion Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Protections Against Child Abuse and Neglect

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline, chairman of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, praised House passage of a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to fight the nation’s growing opioid epidemic. The agreement includes a legislative proposal championed by Kline's committee that will strengthen protections for infants born with drug exposure by requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to better ensure states are meeting current child welfare requirements. The bipartisan proposal, entitled the Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act (H.R. 4843), was passed by the House of Representatives in May by a vote of 421-0.

    John Kline Helps Champion Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Career and Technical Education

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline's House Committee on Education and the Workforce today approved H.R. 5587, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. The bipartisan legislation reauthorizes and reforms the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act to help more Americans enter the workforce with the skills they need to compete for high-skilled, in-demand jobs. The bill passed the committee by a vote of 37-0. “Today, we’ve taken another important step to ensure every American has access to the skills and education they need to compete in the workforce,” said Kline.

    John Kline Hosts Winning Lakeville North Artist in Washington for Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline hosted Lakeville North graduate Lindsay Hardwick in Washington this week to honor her winning entry in the annual Congressional Art competition. Hardwick won Kline's 2016 district-wide art contest with her painting that innovatively used instant coffee as a medium. Hardwick attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Washington and Kline showed her where her painting is currently displayed in the U.S. Capitol. The nationwide art competition provides members of Congress an opportunity to showcase the talents of high school students in their districts and acknowledge our nation’s gifted young artists.

    John Kline Helps Roll Out Patient-Centered Health Care Reform

    House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline -- along with Speaker Paul Ryan and others -- today unveiled a plan to replace ObamaCare and provide every American access to quality, affordable health care. Developed by the Task Force on Health Care Reform, the plan is the latest initiative of A Better Way, a bold policy agenda that will help tackle some of our country’s biggest challenges. Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute alongside other members of the health care task force, Kline emphasized the need to preserve employer-sponsored coverage and promote patient-centered health care solutions that provide workers and their families greater access, choice, and flexibility.

  • Hot Topics

    Star Tribune Editorial: There's no 'tooth fairy' for pension fund bailout

    From a Star Tribune editorial: "Minnesota Republican Rep. John Kline and former California Rep. George Miller, a Democrat, knew there’d be blowback as architects of a controversial 2014 reform allowing failing pension funds to cut accrued benefits. To their credit, the duo plowed forward with the legislation anyway, recognizing that some hardened problems have no good or easy solutions, and that in such situations, strong leadership means identifying the least bad option. There are few better illustrations of this than the Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act, a painful but necessary measure that acknowledged federal bailouts for severely underfunded pension funds are unlikely and gave unprecedented flexibility to pension funds to restructure on their own to avoid insolvency."

    John Kline Honors 'Stars of the North'

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline honored residents and organizations from around Minnesota's 2nd Congressional district with Congressional Certificates of Special Recognition at his 10th annual “Star of the North” ceremony Tuesday at Kenwood Trail Junior High School in Lakeville. “These random acts of kindness and giving spirit are worthy of congressional recognition and their acts of goodwill have an immeasurable impact as their stories reach others throughout our communities,” said Kline. “Perhaps the greatest legacy of the Star of the North honorees will be inspiring each of us to share their story and follow their lead.”

    2015 Year in Review

    John Kline: "Serving our great nation for 25 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and 13 years in Congress has been an honor and a privilige. With the new year upon us, I invite you to check out my 'Year in Review,' highlighting some of the work we accomplished together in 2015."

    Replacing No Child Left Behind, Restoring Local Control in Our Schools

    After years of congressional delay and executive overreach, Congress is finally replacing No Child Left Behind. But more importantly, we are replacing the old approach of education with the new approach that will help every child in every school receive an excellent education. The President on Dec. 10 signed into law the bill Kline championed.

  • Multimedia

    On WCCO with Dave Lee, John Kline Shares Memories Serving the Reagan's

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline, who served as a military aide for Presidents Carter and Reagan, shared memories from his time in the White house.

    ‘We have a responsibility to support this bill and I believe the President has a responsibility to sign it’

    Minnesota Congressman John Kline, the Chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, offered remarks Jan. 6 in support of the “Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act,” legislation that eliminates the core provisions of ObamaCare that have hurt families, businesses, schools, and patients. The legislation Congress passed will rein in our nation’s deficit by roughly half a trillion dollars.

    On Bill Bennett, Kline Discusses Effort to Replace No Child Left Behind

    John Kline visits with Bill Bennett about the bipartisan bill he is championing to replace No Child Left Behind and restore local control to our schools.

    On Hugh Hewitt, Kline Discusses Effort to Replace No Child Left Behind

    John Kline speaks with Hugh Hewitt about the bipartisan bill he is championing to replace No Child Left Behind and restore local control to our schools.