Congressman Bob Gibbs

Representing the 7th District of Ohio


I understand the need to make medical care more affordable for families and increase the access to quality coverage in this county.  However, Obamacare does not accomplish that goal; in fact it makes it worse. Once fully implemented it will cost more than $2 trillion, raise taxes by $800 billion and add over $700 billion to the deficit.  Additionally, it does nothing to address the core issues behind rising health care costs.  We need to work together in a bipartisan and open manner to increase Ohioans access to health insurance while removing the burden on taxpayers and small business.

Here are some of my ideas for things I would like to see included in any new healthcare reform:

  • If you like your current health care plan, you should be able to keep it.
  • Make healthcare coverage patient-owned and portable across state lines, job to job.
  • Doctors and their patients should be the only ones making critical and sensitive health care decisions, not government bureaucrats.
  • Coverage of pre-existing conditions.
  • Protect and expand health saving accounts.
  • Decrease frivolous lawsuits that cause doctors to practice defensive medicine which increase costs.
  • Patients should be able to keep their current doctors and not forced to choose new medical providers.

More on Health

July 13, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The ability of health care professionals to refuse to participate in abortions got a boost today as the House of Representatives voted to pass the Conscience Protection Act.

July 11, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – After last week’s announcement by the CDC and EPA, Congressman Bob Gibbs led colleagues from House and Senate leadership in demanding President Obama give all Americans the same protections against the Zika virus.

July 6, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Facing scrutiny over evidence of fraud and poor management, federal officials overseeing the food stamp program were questioned by Congressman Bob Gibbs and his colleagues in an Agriculture Committee hearing this morning.  Following an audit and report by Ohio Auditor Dave Yost detailing issues that indicate potential fraud and policies that lead to excessive card balances, Gibbs thanked Yost for his work in identifying ways in which the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can be reformed to guarantee those who truly need assistance are the ones receiving it. 

May 24, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – States, local governments, and mosquito control districts are a step closer to preventing a Zika outbreak in the United States after the House passed legislation suspending a duplicative and unnecessary permitting process for pesticides.

May 12, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The House dedicated this week to passing a series of bills focused on fighting the nationwide epidemic of opioid and heroin addiction.  The bills emphasize a range of issues related to the increase in opioid abuse, from reducing painkiller abuse at VA facilities to giving states the tools to increase access to life-saving drugs like Naloxone.

March 2, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Medicaid beneficiaries will find it easier locating primary care providers if legislation passed by the House this afternoon is enacted into law.  In an effort to curb the costs of Medicaid and prevent unnecessary and expensive trips to emergency rooms, today’s vote will require states to create an online directory of primary care providers who accept Medicaid for beneficiaries.

February 2, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Following the House’s vote this evening to override the President’s veto on repealing Obamacare, Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement:

October 22, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – This afternoon, the Department of Interior released the report on the Gold King Mine spill that polluted the Animas River with three million gallons of toxic wastewater, affecting three states.  The report, conducted by Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), concluded that what led to the incident at the Gold King Mine was not an isolated incident.

After release of the report, Congressman Gibbs released the following statement:

October 8, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Wednesday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted to establish a Select Investigative Panel to investigate the practices related to abortion procedures and the alleged sale of body parts for profit.

After the vote, Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement:

September 18, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation to protect the life of the unborn.  Rep. Diane Black introduced H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, after the series of horrific videos were made public in an effort to prevent federal funding from going to the controversial abortion group.

After passage of H.R. 3134, Congressman Gibbs released the following quote: