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Jul 29, 2016 Blog

Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more than 20 million previously uninsured Americans have gained quality health care coverage, yet Republicans have repeatedly attempted to repeal these protections.

Jun 24, 2016 Blog

House Republicans’ recently-released tax agenda relies once again on dynamic scoring, or trickle-down economics. You know, the belief that tax-cuts for businesses and the wealthy will trickle down to boost the economy (How’d that work out,Kansas?).

Jun 22, 2016 Blog

In their new “Better Way” health proposal, House Republicans unveiled their vague principles to improve our nation’s health care system. But in reality, their proposals would make devastating cuts and specifically target hardworking Americans, seniors, women, and low-income families. Take a look below at what’s being said about the lack of a viable GOP plan:

Jun 20, 2016 Blog

Six years after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, Republicans have finally drafted a bill to replace the health care law. See the leaked legislative text HERE.

Jun 7, 2016 Blog

In their new “Better Way” proposal on poverty and welfare, Republicans call for “increasing local control and flexibility.” But it’s clear that they’re just using new words to dress up an old, bad idea: turning federal anti-poverty programs into block grants.

May 24, 2016 Blog

The Ways and Means Committee today held a hearing on Republicans’ misguided poverty agenda, further shining light on the harmful actions the GOP has taken to actually move America’s families backwards. Meanwhile, Democrats discussed their commonsense proposals – which have proven to be effective – to fight poverty in communities across America.

May 24, 2016 Blog

This morning, the Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing entitled, “Moving America’s Families Forward: Setting Priorities for Reducing Poverty and Expanding Opportunity.” But do Republican proposals actually move our nation’s families forward and reduce poverty? Turns out, not so much.

Mar 16, 2016 Blog

Today, Ways and Means Republicans will vote to end the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) – a policy created under President Reagan that had Republican support for years – which plays an important role in providing child care for Americans working to stay out of poverty, preventing child and elder abuse, and helping seniors and people with disabilities to live independently.

Mar 16, 2016 Blog

This afternoon, the Ways and Means Committee will mark up three bills that will make $100 billion in cuts as part of their effort to gain support from the extreme right-wing of their party for their budget – at the expense of children, seniors, and families working hard to stay out of poverty. The GOP is looking for budget savings – but at what cost?

Feb 24, 2016 Blog
Here’s something we can all agree on: tax inversions are a big, big problem. Companies changing their address – on paper only – to lower the taxes they pay in the U.S. is costing us tens of billions of dollars. But instead of acting to immediately stop inversions, Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee today are holding a hearing on international tax reform. We should do tax reform. But closing this gaping loophole cannot wait.
