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Congressman Ted Lieu

Representing the 33rd District of California


"While poverty for seniors in this country is still an issue, Social Security has served as a reliable safety net for all seniors.   Over 112,338 older Americans and people with disabilities in California’s 33rd Congressional District and 22 million nationwide receive Social Security. For 90% of retirees and 70% of disability recipients it is their primary source of income.  Social Security, if managed effectively, can serve every generation that has paid into it from my parent’s generation to that of my children.  Unfortunately, our Republican colleagues are trying to make it sound like our Social Security Trust fund is going bankrupt, despite having a $2.8 trillion dollar surplus, and are trying to slip in cuts and privatize the program.  For my parents, my children and all Americans, I have pledged to do all I can to oppose Republican cuts to the benefits we have all paid for and preserve this program for generations to come."


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July 22, 2016 Press Release


Washington - Yesterday, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) finished first among Freshman Democrats in the 2016 Member Online All-Star Competition.  As a result, Mr. Lieu was awarded the title of 2016 Freshman MVP.  The annual Member social media contest is hosted by House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer.

August 14, 2015 Press Release

Los Angeles - On the 80th anniversary of Social Security, Congressman Ted Lieu issued the following statement:

July 30, 2015 Press Release

“I celebrate the anniversary honoring some of the most important programs America has ever created – Medicare and Medicaid. With their landmark passage in 1965, our country firmly took the position that the most vulnerable in our society should not live in poverty because of a lack of health insurance.   

January 26, 2015 In The News

On the first day of the 114th Congress, the House of Representatives enacted a budgetary rule change that could radically alter our nation’s budgets.

January 23, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) announced his appointment to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform for the 114th Congress. As the primary investigative body for the House of Representatives, the Committee has the authority to scrutinize any matter within the jurisdiction of standing House committees. The Committee has historically served as a critical check on the powers of the legislative and executive branches as well as abuses of the public trust by private companies.