Opinion Editorials

Johnson Op-Ed: Let’s Protect Social Security for Future Generations

August 14, 2015

For 80 years, Social Security has been a promise hardworking, taxpaying Americans can trust — a promise that should they retire, become disabled, or die, a safety net would be there for them and their families. It's an important program on which many Americans rely after a lifetime of hard work. And yet as Social Security turns 80, that promise is in serious danger of being broken ...

USA TODAY: Repeal is first, not last, step

March 31, 2015

Wednesday's vote to repeal the unpopular health care law was, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, the end of the beginning of our push to make quality health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans. Full repeal of the Democrats' partisan health care law is critical to advancing fiscally responsible, patient-centered reforms that actually lower health care costs.

Tax system creates barriers to job creation

March 2, 2011

Let’s make a bet. Imagine I gave you the task of coming up with a rational tax system. Starting with a blank sheet of paper, I bet that you would create a system nothing like our current one.In fact, you’d be foolish to take that bet, because there is such broad agreement on the need for fundamental tax reform. A recent Rasmussen Poll showed ...

What a new GAO report could mean for social program spending

February 8, 2011

What a new GAO report could mean for social program spendingThe Government Accountability Office recently released a seemingly obscure report that could have important implications for the federal-state partnership on social programs in the years ahead.  The report has a title only a wonk could love: “Child Support Enforcement: Departures from ...

Why Congress Should Repeal and Replace the Healthcare Reform Law

February 1, 2011

The American people know that when a tree is rotten at the center, you cut it down and plant something new in its place. Congress began that process last week when the House cast two critical, bipartisan healthcare votes. In one vote, we cut down a rotten tree, voting to repeal the law. Then we cast a second vote to replace it, planting the seeds to grow solutions that ensure ...

USA TODAY: Repeal is first, not last, step

January 20, 2011

Wednesday's vote to repeal the unpopular health care law was, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, the end of the beginning of our push to make quality health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans. Full repeal of the Democrats' partisan health care law is critical to advancing fiscally responsible, patient-centered reforms that actually lower health care costs.

Repeal and replace ObamaCare

November 8, 2010

Health care costs too much in this country. Spending $1 trillion more on health care, as the Democrats' new law does, didn't reduce health care costs. In fact, it will only make matters worse. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the law will actually increase the cost of insurance for millions of families by an additional $2,000 per year by ...

Camp: Health Law Will Hurt Consumers, Business

May 27, 2010

The Democratic agenda has been made clear: Tax Americans more so government can spend more. It started with a trillion-dollar stimulus bill that has failed to hold unemployment in check. Then it was a trillion-dollar health care bill that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, will increase health insurance premiums for millions of Americans.Adding insult to ...

Another missed deadline

April 15, 2010

“These short-term actions are destabilizing medical practices—now on a monthly basis—leaving both physicians and their patients in limbo.”– America Medical Association Executive VP Michael Maves, MD, in April 12, 2010, letter to Congress.During the health care debate, Democrats repeatedly promised to provide a permanent fix to the Medicare doctor ...