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Congressman Ted Lieu

Representing the 33rd District of California

National Security and Foreign Policy

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September 1, 2016 In The News

A bipartisan group of 60 lawmakers has signed a letter seeking to delay the Obama administration’s planned sale of $1.

15 billion in arms and military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing the growing number of civilian casualties in Yemen caused by the Saudi-led military coalition's airstrikes.

The letter, addressed to President Barack Obama, cites the growing number of civilian casualties in Yemen caused by the Saudi-led military coalition and the Obama administration’s failure to rein in its Arab ally.

September 1, 2016 In The News

Citing humanitarian concerns regarding Saudi Arabia's ongoing war against Houthi rebels in Yemen, U.S. lawmakers on Monday asked the White House to delay a proposed $1.15 billion weapons sale to the kingdom.

The letter, signed by 64 members of Congress, asks the Obama administration to walk back the Aug. 8 approval of the sale, which would include replacing tanks destroyed in the Yemen campaign.

"This military campaign has had a deeply troubling impact on civilians," the letter from Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., states.

August 31, 2016 In The News

Citing humanitarian concerns regarding Saudi Arabia's ongoing war against Houthi rebels in Yemen, U.S. lawmakers on Monday asked the White House to delay a proposed $1.15 billion weapons sale to the kingdom.

The letter, signed by 64 members of Congress, asks the Obama administration to walk back the Aug. 8 approval of the sale, which would include replacing tanks destroyed in the Yemen campaign.

"This military campaign has had a deeply troubling impact on civilians," the letter from Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., states.

August 31, 2016 In The News

Members of Congress on Monday sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to delay a proposed $1.15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. The letter, led by Rep. Ted W. Lieu (D-Calif.), was signed by 64 members and cited “concerns about Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.” Calling for “greater efforts to avoid civilian casualties,” the congressional leaders detailed the toll of the war on the population: “unlawful airstrikes” targeting hospitals and schools, the deaths of 3,704 civilians, and the displacement of 83 percent of the Yemeni population.

August 30, 2016 In The News

In a sign that frustration is growing in the U.S. Congress over Saudi Arabia, a bipartisan group of 60 lawmakers has signed a letter seeking to delay the Obama administration’s planned sale of $1.15 billion in arms and military equipment to Riyadh.

The letter, addressed to President Barack Obama, cites the growing number of civilian casualties in Yemen caused by the Saudi-led military coalition and the Obama administration’s failure to rein in its Arab ally.

August 30, 2016 Press Release


WASHINGTON - Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) sent a letter to Secretary John Kerry urging the State Department to request that Japanese authorities investigate and prosecute Olympus for civil or criminal misconduct in their mishandling of antibiotic-resistant bacteria infections caused by their medical devices.

The letter reads:

August 30, 2016 Press Release


August 30, 2016 In The News

Amnesty International has accused the U.S. of “deadly hypocrisy” for its massive arms deals with Middle East governments that have carried out war crimes and other violations of international law.

“One of the unspoken legacies of the Obama administration is the extraordinary uptake in the amount of U.S. weapons and military aid that are provided to major U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt that have terrible records when it comes to human rights,” explained Sunjeev Bery in an interview with Salon.

August 26, 2016 In The News

U.S. Representative Ted W. Lieu, from the 33rd District of California, called on the FCC to expedite the investigation it started on the Signaling System Seven (SS7) earlier this this April. The call comes after recent reports of alleged Russian hacking of members of the U.S. Congress.

The reported hack exposed the phone numbers of 180 members of Congress, among other sensitive information. Due to the SS7 flaw, it should now be relatively easy, especially for state-sponsored attackers, to intercept all of the conversations and messages sent by those phone numbers.

August 26, 2016 In The News

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) is calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to accelerate its investigation of the Signal System 7 (SS7) flaw.

In a public letter to FCC Chairman Thomas Wheeler, Lieu asked the agency head to “expedite” the ongoing investigation into the vulnerability. He warned that the “problem is no longer a theoretical threat,” noting that a breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) earlier this month released mobile phone numbers of House Democrats.
