
SOTU and Trade: What to Listen for

January 20, 2015

There’s probably no better opportunity for bipartisan achievement this year than expanding export markets for American goods and services. This starts with passing Trade Promotion Authority—or “TPA.” Last year, the President gave ...

Meet Your New Tax-Season Headache: Obamacare

January 20, 2015

Today marks the official start of tax season, the annual – and frustrating – American tradition of sorting through a long and complicated tax code to figure out what you owe to Uncle Sam. And this year will be even worse — thanks to Obamacare. As Bloomberg ...

The Obama Tax Hike in a Word: Seriously?

January 19, 2015

"The tax area is one area where we can get things done.”  That was President Obama just one month ago, calling tax reform an issue on which the two parties might find common ground in 2015. It was an optimistic view, but one that many ...

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Disabling a Budget Con

January 16, 2015

Congress last year unanimously closed a loophole that allowed surviving Nazi war criminals to claim Social Security benefits, but that’s where the entitlement reform consensus ends. Now the political left is melting down over a modest budget change that could require Congress to be honest about the Social Security disability program’s fiscal problems and ...

A Full Workweek Means a Full Paycheck

January 8, 2015

Obamacare is burying businesses in red tape, and it’s hurting their employees' bottom line. So today, the House will vote to protect the 40-hour workweek—and workers’ paychecks with it—when it takes up

Bringing Tax Certainty for Families and Small Business

February 4, 2014

"We need to fix our tax code—for everybody." That was the message from House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) yesterday. And today, the committee is turning words into action by moving forward on bills to provide tax certainty for those too often forgotten about in tax policy: Everyday Americans and small businesses. Yes, ...