Congresswoman Robin Kelly

Representing the 2nd District of ILLINOIS
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Rep. Kelly Announces Student Video Contest in Celebration of Black History Month

Feb 3, 2016
Press Release

Congresswoman Robin Kelly invites students from kindergarten through 8th grade to participate in her annual Black History Month Video Contest that honors the accomplishments of African-Americans.

In the short video, students can describe why it’s important to celebrate Black History Month, the moment in African American history that resonates most with them, or how they believe schools should celebrate the month.
The top videos will be posted on Rep. Kelly’s website, while others submitted will appear on her YouTube channel. 

“This is an opportunity for our youngest generation to visually share their views with thousands of people and to offer their unique perspectives on African American history,” Congresswoman Kelly said. 

The video must be 90 seconds or shorter, and answer one of the following questions:

•    Why is it important to celebrate Black History Month?
•    What moment in black history is most relevant to you?
•    How do you think schools should celebrate Black History Month?

Submissions should be sent to no later than 5 p.m., Wednesday, February 24. The top videos will be announced the following Monday, February 29. 

For more information about the contest or for help with technical aspects of creating their video, students should visit  To view last year’s entries, please visit Congresswoman Kelly’s YouTube page.
