Congressman Patrick Meehan

Representing the 7th District of Pennsylvania

Defense and National Security

A strong national defense is necessary to protect our vital national interests, both at home and abroad.  Congress must ensure that our nation’s defense and national security programs are both cost-efficient and effective in protecting Americans and American interests. 

One of the most significant vulnerabilities to our security today comes in the form of cyberattack by terrorists, rogue nations, hackers and criminal elements. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former FBI Director Robert Mueller have both identified cybersecurity as our country's number one greatest threat. In the 113th Congress, I chaired the Homeland Security Committee's Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies. My subcommittee wrote and passed landmark cybersecurity legislation that improves our government's response to cyberattack, eases the sharing of information between the federal government and the private sector about risks, and protects the privacy and liberty of American citizens.

Another prirority of my subcommittee was the safety of our nation's chemical facilities. The explosion of the chimical plant in West, Texas demonstrated just how serious a terrorist attack at one of our thousands of chemical facilities would be. Congress passed a bipartisan reauthorization of the Department of Homeland Security's chemical facility safety program (known as CFATS) that strengthens protections, improves the program and makes our chemical facilities.

It is crucial that we continue to identify and understand the nature and gravity of the threat the United States still faces today from foreign and homegrown terrorists. With multiple affiliate networks around the world targeting the U.S. Homeland and interests, we must remain as vigilant as ever. In May 2012, the House adopted HR 2764, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence and Information Sharing Act of 2012, legislation that I authored that will provide guidance to the Department of Homeland Security to disseminate and coordinate intelligence activities related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats with federal, state, and local security partners.

I also have been examining the emerging threat of Nigerian-based Islamist terror group Boko Haram, a group whose growing sophistican and aggression has been shown by the abduction of hundreds of innocent Nigerian girls last year. I was pleased that the House accepted my bill, HR 5822, the Boko Haram Terrorist Designation Act as an amendment to the fiscal year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Thanks to our efforts, the Department of State declared Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization, which gives our government enhanced tools to address the threat they pose to American interests. 

I remain committed to supporting our troops, and providing them with the best equipment, training, and resources available to ensure their success on the battlefield.

More on Defense and National Security

03 Aug Press Release
WASHINGTON – Congressmen Patrick Meehan (R-PA.), Brendan Boyle (D-PA) and Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA) recently sent a letter to the director of the Agency for...
07 Jul Press Release
Congressmen Patrick Meehan (R-Pa.) and Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) today announced they would soon introduce legislation that authorizes the Department of Defense to...
15 Jun Press Release
Congressmen Patrick Meehan (R/PA-07), Brendan Boyle (D/PA-13) and Mike Fitzpatrick (R/PA-08) today secured a commitment from the chairman of the House’s...
08 Jun Press Release
Pennsylvania lawmakers yesterday urged the Department of the Navy to provide health screenings and water filtration systems for residents of Horsham,...
24 Mar Press Release
“The ink on the administration’s Iran deal is barely dry but with each passing day it becomes a bigger and bigger mistake.” Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07...
22 Mar Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today issued the following statement in the wake of the terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium: “This...
16 Mar Press Release
Leads colleagues in urging House panels to prevent cuts to V-22 procurement called for in 2017 Obama budget Appropriations defense chairman: “I appreciate Mr...
01 Mar Press Release
Congressman Patrick Meehan (R/PA-07) last night joined Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R/TX-10), Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and 21 of his...
01 Mar Press Release
Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa.) called for funding the full complement of planned V-22 Ospreys today at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on national...
23 Feb Press Release
Congressman Patrick Meehan (R/PA-07) today issued the following statement after the Obama Administration released a plan to bring as many as 60 enemy...
