Congressman Tim Huelskamp

Representing the 1st District of Kansas

Huelskamp Comments on Formalized Victory on Lesser Prairie Chicken

Jul 19, 2016
Press Release

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) issued the following statement in response to an announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC) has been officially removed from the federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife:

“This announcement formalizes our big victory earlier this year when USFWS announced their plans to remove the LPC from the endangered species list.

“However, we must remain vigilant because the future intentions of the USFWS remain unclear. This is why I successfully partnered with my House colleagues to include language prohibiting any enforcement of any LPC listing in the text of the Interior Appropriations bill that passed the House last week.

“And as a fifth-generation farmer, I am happy to report that, as we predicted, the end of the drought has brought about a significant increase in the LPC in western Kansas.”

Previous to this announcement, Congressman Huelskamp has been involved in a long list of efforts to stop listing of the LPC:

  • Met with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director to Oppose Listing (2011)
  • Testified on LPC at Agriculture Committee Field Hearing in Dodge City (2012)
  • Submitted Official Comments Against Listing at USFWS meeting in Garden City (2013)
  • Signed Letter with 9 other Members of Congress Asking to Re-Open Comment Period -- Director Agreed (2013)
  • Signed Letter Asking for Delay of Listing -- Director Agreed (2013)
  • Worked to Promote Comments from Kansans on the Listing (2014)
  • Supported Effort to Put LPC Listing Report in Farm Bill (2014)
  • Signed Letter to Appropriations Committee Asking to Defund Listing (2014)
  • Signed on to Bill to Delay Listing for Six Years (2014 & 2015)
  • Signed on to Four Bills to Reform Endangered Species Act (2014)
  • Co-Sponsored Sue & Settle Reform (2015) - Bill Passed (2016)
  • Co-Sponsored Amendment to Defense Authorization Bill to De-List (2015) -- Amendment Passed
  • Co-Authored Amendment to Interior Appropriations & Spoke on the Floor (2015) -- Amendment Passed