Congressman Patrick Meehan

Representing the 7th District of Pennsylvania

Meehan: Obama Address "A Missed Opportunity" - Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) tonight issued

Jan 29, 2014
Press Release


WASHINGTON, DC-- Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) tonight issued the following statement after President Obama’s State of the Union address:


“The President’s speech tonight was a missed opportunity,” said Rep. Meehan. “I had hoped to hear President Obama set the tone for the new year – Congress and the White House working together to address the challenges we face. But it’s clear that the President is more interested in working around Congress than working side-by-side with it.”


Meehan was joined in the House Gallery tonight by Kimberly Wise, the President of Mustang Expediting, a woman-owned small business located in Aston, Delaware County.


“Where were the President’s solutions for small businesses like Mustang?” Meehan said. “Obamacare, red tape, rules and regulations, uncertainty – nowhere did the President address the challenges Washington creates for small and medium-sized businesses across the country.

“I’m going to continue to work with my colleagues, both Republicans and Democrats, to lift Washington’s burdens on job-creators.”