A Better Way Forward on Tax Reform

The Blueprint for pro-growth tax reform delivers a tax code that is built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of job creators, and the growth of the American economy. Watch the video below to learn more.


Chairman Brady’s Op-ed in the Wall Street Journal:The GOP Plan for Tax Sanity
Chairman Brady’s Op-ed via CNBC:We want to make tax filing so simple that ‘it would fit on a postcard’
CLICK HERE to read a snapshot of the Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to read the full text of the Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to read an overview of Blueprint Basics.
CLICK HERE to read the Blueprint’s Top 10 Wins for the American People.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint will Simplify Our Broken Tax Code.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Helps Hardworking Taxpayers.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Creates New Jobs on Main Street and Across America.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint Delivers a “Service First” IRS.
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s Previews of a #BetterWay for Tax Reform
CLICK HERE to watch House Republicans Unveil 21st Century Tax Plan Built for Growth
CLICK HERE to read What They’re Saying (Part I)
CLICK HERE to read What They’re Saying (Part II)
CLICK HERE to read Praise from House Republicans
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s Response to the Tax Foundation’s Blueprint Score

Learn more:





Our Blueprint incorporates many ideas from many Americans – but we need to hear from more people at home and across the country. That’s why House Republicans will spend the coming months listening to and incorporating the feedback of families, workers, and job creators in our communities. Please share your comments about the Blueprint in the form below.

Tax Blueprint Feedback