Congressman Richard Nugent

Representing the 11th District of Florida

Media Center

Aug 31, 2016 Weekly Report

Quick note about the impending storm.  I know that sometimes the weatherman has a tendency to get us all riled up about a storm only for it to be much less significant than promised. But, let’s not let a few missed marks in the past impede our preparation for what Tropical Storm Hermine could bring over the coming days. 

Aug 28, 2016 Weekly Report

This week I wanted to shed light on a very concerning report coming out of a recent congressional investigation. Earlier this month, a joint House panel consisting of members from the Armed Services, Intelligence and Appropriations committees concluded that US Central Command (CENTCOM) has been manipulating reports as it relates to our fight against ISIS.

Jul 30, 2016 Weekly Report

Couple of happy updates to share with you all this week.  You may remember that earlier this year I wrote about a small, but nonetheless significant issue facing many of our residents in southern Spring Hill. This problem concerns the lack of sidewalk on Quality Drive.

Jul 9, 2016 Weekly Report

I spent 38 years in law enforcement. From patrolling the night shift in a police department in a Chicago suburb to serving as Sheriff of Hernando County in Florida, I have been witness to unimaginable acts by horrendous criminals. I’ve been held at gun point by a deranged individual.  I’ve had to bury my friends that I went through the police academy with.

Jul 2, 2016 Weekly Report

I think it is important that we address something that happened last week …  Around lunchtime on Wednesday (June 22), the Democrats decided to hold a protest in the House. A handful of them took a seat on the floor (literally on the floor) in an unprecedented effort to block the House’s proceedings until they got the gun control votes they wanted.

Jun 18, 2016 Weekly Report

A week ago, our neighbors to the east suffered a homegrown terrorist attack.  The shooter was an American citizen.  His father (from Afghanistan) is an open and vocal supporter of the Taliban.  As more information trickled out, it became clear that the shooter had been investigated multiple times by the FBI, had been placed on the terrorist watch list and had been removed.  Had the shooter rema

Jun 12, 2016 Weekly Report

This past weekend Wendy and I were helping one of our sons, who is now a Major in the Army, and his young family move into a new house.

May 28, 2016 Weekly Report

Not much to report this week that you haven’t already heard.  The House was set to consider the annual Energy and Water Appropriations bill, but between increased spending levels over last year and a poison pill amendment successfully inserted by a House Democrat, the bill went down in flames (112-305).  It’s unclear whether or not the Appropriations Committee will make

May 21, 2016 Weekly Report

We’ve got a few big items for you this week:  House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, the Military Construction/VA appropriations bill and a significant federal resource package to combat the impending Zika threat.

May 14, 2016 Weekly Report

Well, this marks another week that we actually got something done in Washington (trying not to let arms tire from patting selves on back).  In yet another moment of bipartisan and bicameral support, the Senate and the House came together to pass meaningful legislation aimed at addressing the ever-growing opioid epidemic. Even the President is on board with our plan.